Additional Games
- Chessgames
- Game, Carlos Torre Repetto vs. Edward Beckley Adams, Marshall CC vs. Internationals, Feb. 7, 1925.
- Game, Carlos Torre vs. Subikursky, gamelet, circa 1929.
- Game, Carlos Torre Repetto vs. Reuben Fine, Buenos Aires Tournament, 1935.
CARLOS Torre was born in Yucatan in 1905 and had a spectacular and brief career that spanned just a few years during which he demonstrated himself capable of matching any player.
In 1925 he played in three of the finest events in Europe. In Baden Baden he drew with many of the greats of the day including Aaron Nimzowitsch, Frank Marshall, Siegbert Tarrasch, Alexander Alekhine, Richard Reti, Rudolf Spielmann and Savielly Tartakower. In Moscow in the same year he drew with the then world champion Raoul Capablanca and defeated his predecessor as world champion, Emanuel Lasker.
On his return to America where he had taken up residence, Torre received two letters on the same day one telling him an academic post he had applied for would not be given to him and another from his fiancee telling him she would marry someone else. Torre suffered a nervous breakdown and never played competitively again.
Here is his famous victory over Lasker played with the opening to which he gave his name.
Carlos Torre Repetto vs Emanuel Lasker
Moscow (1925), Moscow URS, rd 12, Nov-25
Torre Attack: Classical Defense (A46) 1-0