The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
Pacheco, F. Sosthenes
- Game, F. Sosthenes Pacheco vs Max Burkett, El Paso Open 1960.
Palciauskas, Victor 'Vytas'
- Chessgames
- Game, Charles Henin vs. Victor Palciauskas, Chicago Open Championship, 1959.
- Game, Poschauko vs. Palme, circa 1950.
Palmer, Gordon
- Game, Emil Bersbach vs. Gordon Palmer, Santa Monica Tourney, 1959
- Game, Emil Bersbach vs. Gordon Palmer, Santa Monica Tourney, 1959.
Panov, Vasily
- Chessgames
- Game, Andre Lilienthal / Vasily Panov vs. Benjamin Blumenfeld / Alexander Kotov, Consultation, Moscow, January 1937.
- Game, Lilienthal-Panov vs. Blumenfeld-Kotov, U.S.S.R., 1937.
Panton, George
- Game, Robert Graham Wade vs. George Panton, Simultaneous Exhibition, October 1947.
- Game, M. Jursevskis vs. George Panton, 1951.
Parmalee, Clinton
Parr, Frank
- Chessgames
- Game, Frank Parr vs. C. L. C. Dekker, London Stock Exchange vs. Amsterdam Bourse Match, 1939
- Game, Pattison vs. Stevenson, British Chess Congress, circa 1932.
Patton, Dr. John William Thompson ➦ bio + additional games
October 24, 1868 - May 19, 1944Payne
- Game, Payne vs. Peres, instruction, 1959.
Payne, Orvil
- Game, Erik Osbun vs. Orvil Payne, Santa Rosa Championship, 1958-9.
- Game, John A. McCardle vs. E. P. Pearson, Los Angeles Chess League, 1936.
- Game, E. P. Pearson vs. John A. McCardle, Southern California League matches, 1936.
Peckar, Mark
Pedersen, Kristen Nielsen ➦ bio + additional games
September 19, 1907 - December 30, 1997- Kristen Nielsen Pedersen, 1940 ➦ bio + additional games
- Kristen Nielsen Pedersen, 1954 ➦ bio + additional games
- Kristen Nielsen Pedersen, 1956 ➦ bio + additional games
- Kristen Nielsen Pedersen, 1997 ➦ bio + additional games
Pehnec, Bozidar
- Game, Payne vs. Peres, instruction, 1959.
Perez, Francisco Jose
- Chessgames
- Game, Francisco Jose Perez vs. Lodewijk Prins, Madrid tournament, 1959.
Persitz, Raaphi
- Chessgames
- Game, Yosef Porat vs. Raaphi Persitz
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. S. W. Peterson, Los Angeles, 1919.
Petrosian, Tigran ➦ bio + additional games
June 17, 1929 - August 13, 1984Petty
- Game, Samuel Warren Bampton vs. G. O. Petty, Franklin Chess Club vs. University of Pennsylvania CC, 1923
- Game, Karaklajich vs. Pfeiffer, 1959
Pfeiffer, Gerhard
Philidor, Francois
- Game, Phillips vs. Tobin, Count Championship, B tournament, 1950.
Phillips, Alan
- Chessgames
- Game, Thomas John Beach vs. Alan Phillips, 1951.
Phillips, James Rodney
- Chessgames
- Game, W. Bello vs. J. R. Phillips, New Zealand Championship, 1956
- Game, James Rodney Phillips vs. Walter Bleicher, Sydney, Australia International, 1959.
- Game, James Rodney Phillips vs. Cecil Purdy, Sydney, Australia International 1959.
Piasetski, Leon David
- Chessgames
- Game, Jonathan Berry vs. Leon David Piasetski, Canadian Junior Championship, 1971.
- Game, W. Marshall vs. J. Pike, English county team match, 1951.
Pillsbury, Harry Nelson ➦ bio + additional games
December 05, 1872 - June 17, 1906Pink, Daryl
- Game, Mike Rose vs. Daryl Pink, San Diego High School, 1959
Pinney, William T.
- Game, F. Harrold vs. William Pinney, Southern California Chess League, 1933.
- Game, J. Weinzimer vs. William T. Pinney, Southern California Chess League, 1934.
Pirc, Vasja
Pirque, Walter
- Chessgames
- Game, Arthur Dake vs. Walter Pirque, Antwerp, Belgium, 1931.
- Game, Sanchez vs. Planas, 1959
Platt, Robert Edward
September 20, 1873 - unknownPlatz
- Game, Brilliancy prize entry, Platz vs. Goldman, 1949
Platz, Hans
Podlone, Charles Philip
Polgar, Laszlo
Polland, David S.
- Game, Morris vs. David S. Polland, New York-Philadelphia intercity match, 1934.
- Game, Dr. C. Levine (Williamsburg CC) vs. David S. Polland (Marshall CC), circa 1936.
Polugayevsky, Lev Abramovich
Pomar, Arturo Pomar Salamanca
- Game, Isaac Kashdan, William Kurtz Wimsatt, Sr., Vincent L. Eaton vs. Donald Mugridge, Stark, Ponce, Ernest M. Knapp, consultation game, June 20, 1937.
Pond, Jules
Popel, Samuel
Popel, Stephan A
Popov, Gennady
Porat, Yosef
- Chessgames
- Game, Yosef Porat vs. Raaphi Persitz
- Game, Poschauko vs. Palme, circa 1950.
Prado, Jose
Pray, Alfred Newell ➦ bio + additional games
July 22, 1895 - May 23, 1946Prentice, John G.
- Game, N. J. Goldberg vs. Price, So. Cal. Chess League, 1936.
Price, Danny
- Game, Danny Price vs. Loera, Hawthorne High School vs. Loyala High School, 1959.
Puc, Stojan
- Chessgames
- Game, Schlechter Memorial Vienna, Jan Foltys vs. Stojan Puc, July 1949
- Game, Puig vs. Queimadelos, 1959.
- Game, Schoenmann vs. Pulvermacher, German Correspondence Championship, 1933.
- Game, H. Pump vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, North and South Jersey Team match, 1935.
Pupols, Peteris ➦ bio + additional games (Father of Victor Pupols)
Pupols, Viktor ➦ bio + additional games
July 31, 1934 - unknown- Viktors Pupols, 1960 ➦ bio + additional games
- Viktors Pupols, 1968 ➦ bio + additional games
- Viktors Pupols, 1978 ➦ bio + additional games
- Viktors Pupols, 1985 ➦ bio + additional games
- Viktors Pupols, 2004 ➦ bio + additional games
Purdy, John Spencer
- Chessgames
- Game, Golden Gate Chess Club, 1955
Pustina, Ylvi
Pye, Frank
- Game, Frank Pye vs. John Jaffray, 1959.