The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
Unknown - UnknownGajardo, Dionisio Gajardo
Unknown - UnknownGarais, Igor
Garcia, Oscar
- Game, Edward P. Elliot - Harry Borochow vs. Oscar Garcia - J. Rivarola, Radio match between Los Angeles and Rosario, Argentina, 1931.
Garaeu, Edmond
Garfinkel, Boris
- Chessgames
- Game, Garfinkel-Romanenko, Atlantic Coast Amateur Championship, 1956.
- Game, M. Gaszo vs. David Grimshaw, Toronto City Championship, 1959.
- Game David Bronstein vs. Gauger, Simultaneous in Munich after the Olympics, 1958.
Gedraitis, Albert
- Game, Dick Friedenthal vs. Albert Gedraitis, Round 3, State Individual Tournament, 1959.
- Game N.N. vs. Gedult, World War II, May 1942, N. Africa.
Gedult, David
- Chessgames
- Game, George Koltanowski vs. J.B. Gee, 1948
Geil, Jesse
- Chessgames
- Game, Beckner vs. Geil unknown date
Geller, Sidney
George, Arthur Hereford Wykeham ➦ bio + additional games
August 29, 1871 - March 07, 1937Gersho, Jack
Gerusel, Mathias
- Game, Tilliette vs. Giacomelli, 1959.
Gibbons, Joseph
- Game, George Steven vs. Joseph Gibbons, Short wave radio match, Santa Monica-Philadelphia, 1950.
- Game, William N. Kendall vs. Gibbs, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
- Game, Charles Gibbs vs. A. Gibbs, Southern California Chess League, 1933.
- Game, Meyer Schleifer vs. A. D. Gibbs, So. California Chess League, circa 1934.
- Game, Fisher vs. Gibbs, Wilshire CC vs. Hollywood CC, Sunday, December 28, 1952
Gibbs, Charles John
- Game, Charles Gibbs vs. A. Gibbs, Southern California Chess League, 1933.
- Game, Meyer Schleifer vs. C.J. Gibbs, Greater Los Angeles Championship Tournament, 1934.
- Game, S. Greene vs. R. Gilbert, 1959.
Gill, Ernest
- Game, Stefan Fazekas vs. Gillar, Czecho-Slovakia Championship, 1934.
Gilliland, Alexis
Gillot, Antonio
Gipslis, Aivars
Giritsky, Serge
- Game, Horace Ransom Bigelow vs. A. P. Glass, Marshall Chess Club, New York, 1928-29.
Gligoric, Svetozar ➦ bio + additional games
February 02, 1923 - August 14, 2012- Svetozar Gligoric, 1949 ➦ bio + additional games
- Svetozar Gligoric, 1958 ➦ bio + additional games
- Svetozar Gligoric, 1963 ➦ bio + additional games
- Svetozar Gligoric, 1971 ➦ bio + additional games
Godbold, Edmund Oliver
Goetze, Fred
Goffin, Dr. John
- Game, Arthur Spiller vs. Dr. John Goffin, Arthur Spiller Simultaneous, October 2, 1951
Goglidze, Viktor Arsentievich ➦ bio + additional games
November 27, 1905 - September 15, 1964Goldberg
- Game, A. Arrigo vs. J. Goldberg, Southern California League matches, 1936.
- Game, Feldman vs. Goldberg, Roosevelt High vs. U.C.L.A., Los Angeles CC, January 29, 1937.
- Game, Goldberg vs. Saarela, Exposition Park tournament, 1937.
- Game, Carlton vs. Goldberg, Inglewood Chess Club championship tourney, 1960.
Goldberg, Aaron
- Chessgames
- Game, S.S. Sharp vs. A. Goldberg, Franklin Chess Club Tournament, 1911
- Game, Aaron Goldberg vs. Edward M. Edwards, Pennsylvania State Tournament, 1911
- Game, Golden vs. Ambarijan, Armenian Championship, 1959.
- Game, Golden vs. Ambarijan, Armenian Championship, 1959.
- Game, Brilliancy prize entry, Platz vs. Goldman, 1949
Goldsmith, Julius
- Game, Gonzales vs. Roman Toran, Corunna Tournament, 1951.
- Game, Gonzales vs. Jimenez, Cuban Championship, 1958.
Gonzales, Dr. Juan
- Game, Dr. Juan Gonzales vs. Hermann Steiner, Hollywood Chess Group of Los Angeles Vs. Capablanca Chess Club of Havana, Cuba, 1951.
- Game, Herman Steiner vs. Dr. Juan Gonzales, Hollywood Chess Group of Los Angeles Vs. Capablanca Chess Club of Havana, Cuba, 1951.
- Game, Walter Shipman vs. C. Good, 1960, New York
Goodman, Harry
- Game, Harry Goodman vs. Milton Otteson, National Junior Championship Tournament, Milwaukee, July 1950.
- Game, J. Gordon vs. E.S. Maguire, 1959.
Gore, James
- Chessgames
- Game Arthur Bisguier vs. James Gore, 1959.
Gott, Richard
- Game, Richard Gott vs. Newell William Banks, 1959.
Gould, Bartlett ➦ bio + additional games
February 13, 1913 - April 12, 2004- Bartlett Gould, 1914 ➦ bio + additional games
- Bartlett Gould, 1940 ➦ bio + additional games
- Bartlett Gould, 1967 ➦ bio + additional games
- Bartlett Gould, 1968 ➦ bio + additional games
- Bartlett Gould, 1969 ➦ bio + additional games
- Bartlett Gould, 2004 ➦ bio + additional games
Gould, William
- Game, Robert Thomas Durkin vs. William Gould, third round, New England Amateur, 1960
- Game, G. D. Gowdy vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, Los Angeles Chess Club, 1921.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski/G. D. Gowdy vs. E. R. Perry/R. W. Lewis, consultation game, Los Angeles, 1922.
- Game, C. H. Whipple, E. W. Grabill, S. Mlotkowski vs. D. H. Mugridge, G. D. Gowdy, Clif Sherwood, Consultation game, 1922.
Graaf, Peter De
- Game, Peter De Graaf vs. George Hunnex, San Diego Tournament, 1950.
Grabill, Ethelbert Warren, Professor
- Chessgames
- Game, Ethelbert W. Grabill vs. Carl Bergman, Match, Los Angeles, 1921.
- Game, C. H. Whipple, E. W. Grabill, S. Mlotkowski vs. D. H. Mugridge, G. D. Gowdy, Clif Sherwood, Consultation game, 1922.
- Game, Philip Woliston vs. Graham, Exposition Park Chess Club tournament, 1937.
Graham, Douglas G.
- Chessgames
- Game, Douglas G. Graham vs. Harold Evans Jennings, Correspondence League of America, N. A. C., Preliminary Section A-1, 1935.
Graham, Harry
- Game, Harry Graham vs. C. Sedlack, annual North-South tournament, May 31, 1936.
Greco, Gioachino
Green, Matthew
- Chessgames
- Game, Matthew Green (Marshall CC) vs. Nathan Rabinowitz (Williamsburg CC), 1936.
- Game, S. Greene vs. R. Gilbert, 1959.
Greene, Sanford
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. P. E. Greer, Los Angeles, 1915.
Grenda, Dimitro
- Game, Kirilloff vs. Grigorieff, Russian tourney, 1932.
Grigorieff, Vladimir
- Chessgames
- Game, Willis E. Lamb vs. Vladimir Grigorieff, Intercollegiate Tourney in Chicago, 1933.
Grimshaw, David
- Chessgames
- Game, Paul Vaitonis vs. David Grimshaw, Ontario championship, 1956
- Game, M. Gaszo vs. David Grimshaw, Toronto City Championship, 1959.
Grob, Henri
- Chessgames
- Game, Botvinnik vs. Henri Grob, 1956
Gruer, Elmer
- Chessgames
- Game, Elmer Gruer vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, Los Angeles-San Francisco, Board 1, September 06, 1915.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Elmer W. Gruer, Los Angeles, Cal., 1918.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Elmer Gruer, California Chess Championship, 1921-1922.
Grumette, Lina ➦ bio + additional games
January 06, 1908 - July 21, 1988- Lina Grumette, 1955 ➦ bio + additional games
- Lina Grumette, 1956 ➦ bio + additional games
- Lina Grumette, 1961 ➦ bio + additional games
Guala, Victor
- Chessgames
- Game, Victor Guala vs. Benedicts, Long Island Championship, 1958.
Gudmundsson, Arinbjorn
- Chessgames
- Game, Ingi Johannsson vs Arinbjorn Gudmundsson, Reykjavik, 1960.
Gulutin, Emile Z.
Gundlach, Ernest T
- Chessgames
- Chess Contest Played by Radio, May 07, 1922
Gutekunst, Robert
Gutch, Jose Van der
- Game, Jose Van der Gutch vs. Maria Teresa Mora, Havana, Cuba, 1921.
Guthridge, LeRoy
Game, Rheams vs. Gustafson, New England championship, 1949.