The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
- Game, R. B. Sapre vs. S. M. Natu, Bombay Presidency tournament, 1950.
Nedeljkovic, Srecko
- Chessgames
- Game, Srecko Nedeljkovic vs. Rudolf Maric, Yugoslav championship, 1959.
Negley, Nathan
Nelson, Nels H.
- Game, G. Neufahrt vs. Frank May, British Columbia Championship, 1956
Newborn, Isi
- Game, Isi Newborn vs. William O'Donnell, intercollegiate match, 1929.
- Game, Philip Reinhold Geffe-Woliston vs. Newman, Exposition Park C.C. Tournament, March 26, 1937.
Newport, Reed
- Newsom, Gary
- Waging Battle Over The Board, Mar 09, 2011
Nezhmetdinov, Rashid
- Chessgames
- Game, Yuri M Kotkov vs. Rashid Nezhmetdinov, Moscow Championship, 1958-1959.
Niephaus, Walter
- Chessgames
- Game, Walter Niephaus vs. Povilas “Paul” Tautvaisas, Kassel, Germany, 1948.
Nietzschmann, Karl
- Game, Karl Nietzschmann vs. Max Bock, preliminaries, Ohio state championship, February 1929.
- Game, Karl Nietzschmann vs. Max Bock, preliminaries, Southern Ohio, Cincinnati Chess Club, 1929.
Nietzschmann, Otto
Nievergelt, Erwin
- Chessgames
- Game, Swiss Championship, 1956
- Game, Erwin Nievergelt vs. Edgar Walther, Swiss championship brilliancy, 1956.
- Game, Erwin Nievergelt vs. Edgar Walther, Swiss Championship Brilliancy Prize, 1958.
Nigro, Carmine
Nikitin, Aleksander
Nikolaevsky, Yuri
- Game, Nikolic vs. Wolfgang Unzicker, circa 1971.
Noga, Vincent
- Game, O. Screeter-R. Noordyck, Correspondence, Belgium, 1945.
- Game from Gyon, Spain tournament, 1955.
- Game, W. T. Strange vs. J. E. Nunnally, Southwestern Open, 1958.