The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
- Game, E. A. Waddy vs. L. Millstein, Southern California League matches, 1934.
- Game, E. A. Waddy vs. Raymond Zens, Southern California League, 1935.
- Game, David Scheffer vs. L. Wagner, Massachusetts State Championship, 1959.
Wagner, Larry
Wahltuch, Victor Leonard ➦ bio + additional games
May 24, 1875 - August 27, 1953Waight
- Game, Joseph Henry Blackburne vs. A. A. Walker, Blindfold Chess Exhibition at Cambridge Club, December 14, 1891
Walker, Frank Baker ➦ bio + additional games
July 26, 1857 - November 30, 1935- Frank Baker Walker, 1927 ➦ bio + additional games
- Frank Baker Walker, 1930 ➦ bio + additional games
- Frank Baker Walker, 1935 ➦ bio + additional games
Walker, Robert W.
Walker, Sherman
Wallace, Charles E.
Walther, Edgar
- Chessgames
- Game, Edgar Walther-Dr. P. Leiser, Swiss Cup Competition, April, 1955
- Game, Erwin Nievergelt vs. Edgar Walther, Swiss championship brilliancy, 1956.
- Game, Erwin Nievergelt vs. Edgar Walther, Swiss Championship Brilliancy Prize, 1958.
Wanatek, Sol
Wanetick, Saul
Wang, Arthur
- Chessgames
- Game, Arthur Wang vs. Robion Kirby, 1959 California Open Chess Championship, Fresno, California, 1959.
- Game, Dr. Robert B. Griffith vs. Dr. Ward, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
- Game, Dr. Ward vs. William N. Kendall, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
- Game, Meyer Schleifer vs. Dr. Ward, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
Warren, James
- Game, George S. G. Patterson vs. P. J. Wasserman, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
- Game, George W. Chase vs. P. J. Wasserman, Southern California Chess League, 1933.
Waterman, Charles West
- Chessgames
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Charles West Waterman, Game, circa 1913.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Charles West Waterman, (Game 01) Los Angeles, 1916.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Charles West Waterman, (Game 02), Los Angeles, 1916.
Waters, Richard Thomas ➦ bio + additional games
September 25, 1872-March 29, 1943- Richard Thomas Waters, 1918 ➦ bio + additional games
- Richard Thomas Waters, 1940 ➦ bio + additional games
- Richard Thomas Waters, 1943 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, Samuel Reshevsky vs. Weaks, Reshevsky Exhibition, 1950.
Weininger, Joseph Leopold
Weiss, Adolph
Weissman, Albert
- Game, J. Weinzimer vs. William T. Pinney, Southern California Chess League, 1934.
Wendel, Verner
- Chessgames
- Game, Efim Bogoljubov vs. Verner Wendel, Stockholm Tournament, 1920.
Werle, Allan
- Chessgames
- Game, Allan Werle vs. G. Westlund, Stockholm, 1947
- Game, Allan Werle vs. G. Westlund, Stockholm, 1947
Wexler, Bernardo
- Chessgames
- Game, Carlos Bielicki vs. Bernardo Wexler, unknown, circa 1960.
Wheeler, Raymond L.
- Chessgames
- Game, William Steckel vs. Raymond L. Wheeler, Southern Preliminaries of State Championship, 1951.
Wheeler, William
- Game, Jacqueline Piatigorsky vs. William Wheeler, Los Angeles County Championship, 1951.
Whipple, Charles H., Jr.
- Chessgames
- King's Gambits Chess Tourney, Mar 05, 1911
- Game, Charles H. Whipple vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, game, 1913.
- Game, Charles H. Whipple vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, Los Angeles Chess Club Championship Finals, 1921.
- Game, C. H. Whipple, E. W. Grabill, S. Mlotkowski vs. D. H. Mugridge, G. D. Gowdy, Clif Sherwood, Consultation game, 1922.
- Game, Sigismund Wolff vs. Wipple, Exposition vs. Hollywood C.C., 1937.
- Game, Joseph Henry Blackburne vs. R. Whitaker, Blindfold Chess Exhibition at Cambridge Club, December 14, 1891
- Game, J. Wijker vs. M. Ellinger, 1959.
- Game, H. L. Wilcox vs. C. C. Hewitt, correspondence game, 1943.
- Game, Louis J. Wolff vs. M. Wilenkin, 1924.
Will, Charles A. ➦ bio + additional games
unknown - unknownWilliam
- Game, Dr. Joseph Platz vs. William, Manhattan Chess Club championship, 1934.
- Game, Williams vs. Eliot Hearst, Manhattan CC vs Marshall CC, 1950.
- Game, A. Jackson vs. O. Williams, 1959.
Williams, J. Noel
Wimsatt, William Kurtz
- Chessgames
- Game, Isaac Kashdan, William Kurtz Wimsatt, Sr., V. L. Eaton vs. Donald Mugridge, Stark, Ponce, Knapp, consultation game, June 20, 1937.
- Game, Joseph Henry Blackburne vs. W. Wilson, Blindfold Chess Exhibition at Cambridge Club, December 14, 1891
Winiwarter, Felix
- Chessgames
- Game, Felix Winiwarter vs. Alfred Beni, 1958.
Winkelman, Barnie F.
- Game, Barnie F. Winkelman vs. Anthony Santasiere, New York-Philadelphia intercity match, 1934.
Winter, John
- Chessgames
- Game, John Winter vs. Irving Spero, Southern California League matches, 1936.
Winters, Stanley
Witt, William Nicholas ➦ bio + additional games
June 26, 1877 - September 13, 1948- William Nicholas Witt, 1918 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Nicholas Witt, 1939 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Nicholas Witt, 1942 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Nicholas Witt, 1948 ➦ bio + additional games
Witte, Charles
Wolfe, Jerome
Woliston, Philip Reinhold Geffe
- Chessgames
- Game, Robert Hamman vs. Philip Reinhold Geffe-Woliston, Southern California League matches, 1936.
- Game, Philip Reinhold Geffe-Woliston vs. Newman, Exposition Park C.C. Tournament, March 26, 1937.
- Game, Philip Woliston vs. Graham, Exposition Park Chess Club tournament, 1937.
- Game, Steinbock vs. Philip Woliston, Exposition Park Chess Club tournament, 1937.
- Game, Philip Woliston vs. Kendall, Southern California tournament, 1937.
- Game, Woliston vs. Steinbock, City High School Championship, 1937.
Wolk, Eliot
- Chessgames
- Game, Ted Edelbaum vs. Eliot Wolk, Connecticut Championship, 1953.
- Game, Dr. Julian Keilson vs. Eliot Wolk, Providence, New England tournament, 1956.
- Game, Ted Edelbaum vs. Eliot Wolk, Connecticut State Championship, 1959.
- Game, Professor E. Wood vs. R. Subramaniam, Indian National Chess League Correspondence Tourney, 1937.
- Game, Wood vs. Hussain, National Chess League Correspondence Tourney, 1937.
- Game, Clark Jonas vs. D. G. Wood, correspondence, circa 1950.
Wood, Baruch Harold
- Chessgames
- Game, Baruch Harold Wood vs. Leonard William Barden, 1959
- Game, Baruch Harold Wood vs. Herbert Gibson Rhodes, Inter-county Championship, 1959.
- Game, H. M. Woods vs. Herman Steiner, Paul Morphy tournament, August 24, 1937.
Woronzoff, Larry
- Game, Larry Woronzoff vs. Amos Kaminski, Hollywood Chess Group Championship, 1951.
Wostyn, Rik
- Chessgames
- Game, Hans-Ove Halen vs. Rik Wostyn, World Junior Championship, 1959
Wreschner, Siegfried Otto
- Chessgames
- Game, Siegfried Wrescher vs. William Oaker, Montreal, 1957
- Game, 1956, Wrobel vs. Schneider Germany
- Game, Samuel Reshevsky vs. Wyman, Reshevsky Exhibitions, 1952.
Wyman, Col. Theodore
Wife, Alma Wolff and son, Lothar Wolff.