The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
Rabar, Braslav
- Chessgames
- Game, Braslav Rabar vs. Borislav Milic
- Game, Rabinovich vs. Maijutin, 1959.
Rabinowitz, Bernard
Rabinowitz, Nathan
- Game, Matthew Green (Marshall CC) vs. Nathan Rabinowitz (Williamsburg CC), 1936.
Radaikin, Vitaley M.
- Chessgames
- Game, E. H. Mueller vs. V. Radaikin, San Francisco Open, 1951.
Radic, Paul
- Chessgames
- Game, Deichmann vs. Paul Radic, blindfold exhibition, 1960.
Radojcic, Miroslav
Ragan, John V.
- Game, Olanen vs. Raisa, Finnish Championship, 1959.
Ramirez, George
- Game, Harry Borochow vs. George Ramirez, 26th annual North-South match, 1959.
Ramirez, Simon del Gardo
- Game, Dr. Leon Bankoff vs. Ramsey, Southern California Chess League, 1934.
Rankis, August
- Chessgames
- Game, Collins-Rankis, NY State Championship 1956.
- Game, K.N. Sunderam vs. R. Nagaraja Rao, Madris, India, 1956.
Rasmussen, Gunnar
- Chessgames
- Game, Vallejo Chess Club, Rasmussen-Strong, 1956
Rauch, Joseph Lyon
Raunheim, Leon
Raut, Kamalakar
- Game, R. Ravn vs. Kozma, 1959
Raymond, Nicholas
- Game, Nicholas Raymond vs. NN, Hartford Chess Club Ladder, 1959.
Redolfi, Rodolfo Argentino
Reshevsky, Samuel Herman bio + additional games
November 26, 1911 - April 04, 1992 Reza
Reyes, Romuel
Rheams, Charles
- Game, Charles Rheams vs. Keller, Boston Championship, 1949.
Rhoden, Frank
- Game, J. Ribera vs. George Koltanowski, Barcelona tournament, November 27, 1934.
Richardson, Don
- Game, S. Richman vs. Jack Soudakoff, Metropolitan League Match, New York, 1936.
- Game, C. Richter vs. Sigismund Wolff, Southern California League Matches, 1934.
- Game, Richter vs. Stueber, Intercollegiate Championship, 1960
- Game, M. Rinaldi, Switzerland vs. J. Vandiest, Belgium, 1956.
- Game, Elliot - Borochow vs. Garcia - Rivarola, Radio match between Los Angeles and Rosario, Argentina, 1931.
Rivera, Carlos
- Game, William H. Steckel vs. Carlos Rivera, Capablanca Chess Club of Havana and the Hollywood Chess Group, 1951.
- Game, Carlos Rivera vs. William Steckel, Capablanca Chess Club of Havana and the Hollywood Chess Group, 1951.
- Game, Roberts vs. Dr. Max G. Sturm, Correspondence, 1958.
Roberts, Griffith T.
- Game, Toivo I. Saarela/Griffith T. Roberts, Hawaii (white) vs. Le Roy Johnson and Adolph Chern, Hollywood, 1936.
- Game, Joseph Henry Blackburne vs. F. Robinson, Simul Exhibition at Bury, West Suffolk Chess Club and the St. Edmunds' Bury Chess Players, October 05-06, 1882.
Robinson, David Stuart
- Chessgames
- Game, D.S. Robinson vs. Benjamin Milnes, Philadelphia Franklin Chess Club Championship, 1911.
- Game, Barnoff vs. Rochlin, Russian tournament, 1937.
Rodatz, Hans
- Chessgames
- Game, Hans Rodatz vs. Paul Hallbauer, 1938.
Rodriguez, Armando
- Chessgames
- Game, Guillermo Garcia vs. Armando Rodriguez, 1977.
Roele-Coeuraad, Charles H
- Game, Charles H Roele-Coeuraad vs. Nicolas Rossolimo, British Tournament, 1951.
Roeske, John F.
- Game, Martinez, Sharp, Roeske vs. Milnes, Mlotkowski, Bauder; Franklin CC consultation, 1910.
Roething, Otto
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Otto Roething, Manhattan CC vs. Franklin CC, 1910.
Rogard, Folke
Rogosin, Hy
Rohde, Michael
- Game, Michael Rohde vs. George Cunningham, Atlantic Open, Round 1, 1972.
- Game, Old Master vs. Rolavsky, 1893.
Rolo, Orlo Milo bio + additional games aka Orlando Milo Rolo
Romanenko, Ivan
- Chessgames
- Game, Garfinkel-Romanenko, Atlantic Coast Amateur Championship, 1956.
Romo, Julio Salas
- Game, A. A. Rosate vs. George B. Oakes, North-South Match, 1950.
- Game, Joseph Henry Blackburne vs. W. Rose, Blindfold Chess Exhibition at Cambridge Club, December 14, 1891
- Game, Herman Steiner vs. Rose, Metropolitan League, NY City, circa 1930.
- Game, E. Rose vs. Keith Kerns, Toronto Chess League, 1959.
Rose, Edward
Rose, Mike
- Game, Mike Rose vs. Daryl Pink, San Diego High School, 1959
Rosen, Ronald
- Game, Jacqueline Piatigorsky vs. H. Rosenbaum, California Open Championship, 1951.
Rosenstein, Walter J.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Walter J. Rosenstein, Franklin CC vs. Manhattan CC, May 30, 1908.
- Chessgames, Rosset, E.
- Chess game, Rothen, A., 1956
Rothman, Mark
- Game, Rothman-Kupka, U.S. Amateur Open, New Jersey, 1956.
Rott, Alexander
Rubinow, Dr. Solomon “Sol” Isaac bio + additional games
November 06, 1923 - February 22, 1981 - Solomon Isaac Rubinow, 1940 bio + additional games
- Solomon Isaac Rubinow, 1942 bio + additional games
- Solomon Isaac Rubinow, 1981 bio + additional games
Rubinstein, Akiba Kiwelowicz bio + additional games
December 01, 1880 - March 15, 1961 - Akiba Rubinstein, 1911 bio + additional games
- Akiba Rubinstein, 1918 bio + additional games
- Akiba Rubinstein, 1961 bio + additional games
Rubinstein, Samy
- Chessgames
- Game, Samy Rubinstein vs. Edward Lasker, Blitz game, New York, circa 1950.
Rubtsova, Olga Nikolayevna
- Game, M. Schroeder vs. A. Rudy, 1959.
Rueb, Alexander
Rumens, David Edward
- Chessgames
- Game Leonard William Barden vs. David Edward Rumens, British Club Championship, 1958-59.
- Game, Leonard W. Barden vs. David Edward Rumens, 1959.
Rusenescu, Eugen
- Chessgames
- Game, Eugen Rusenescu vs. Andriolu, Romania, 1948.
Russo, Al
- Game, Al Russo vs. Alexander Shearer, tournament “B” players, Los Angeles city championship, 1950.
- Game, Jacqueline Piatigorsky vs. Al Russo, County League Games, 1951.
Ruth, William Allen bio + additional games
September 18, 1886 - February 03, 1975 - William Allen Ruth, 1917 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1930 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1937 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1953 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1955 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1962 bio + additional games
- William Allen Ruth, 1975 bio + additional games
Ruys, Dr. Frank C.
- Chessgames
- Game, Clark Merritt vs. Dr. Frank C. Ruys, British Championship, 15th Grand National Calif. Sect. I, 1947.
Game, M. Appadurai Mudaliar vs. K. Rangaswami, tutorial of Philidor, 1936.
Game, Rheams vs. Gustafson, New England championship, 1949.