The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
Haag, Ervin
- Chessgames
- Game, Ervin Haag vs. Laszlo Barczay, Hungarian championship, 1958-59.
- Game, Herman Steiner vs. Landau, Dr. Oskam and Haas, exhibition game, Holland, 1928.
- Game, Herman Steiner vs. F. S. H. Hacard, Paul Morphy tournament, Chicago, 1937.
Haegg, Kenneth Lee
- Chessgames
- Game, Kenneth Lee Haegg vs. Alfred N. Pray, Informal Match, 1936.
- Game, Kenneth Lee Haegg vs. Alfred N. Pray, informal game, 1936.
Hahlbohm, Herman Tyko Martinus ➦ bio + additional games
July 10, 1886 - January 13, 1963- Herman Hahlbohm, 1907 ➦ bio + additional games
- Herman Hahlbohm, 1914 ➦ bio + additional games
- Herman Hahlbohm, 1918 ➦ bio + additional games
- Herman Hahlbohm, 1942 ➦ bio + additional games
- Herman Hahlbohm, 1957 ➦ bio + additional games
Haines, William Cutler
Hallbauer, Paul
- Chessgames
- Game, Hans Rodatz vs. Paul Hallbauer, 1938.
Hale, Arthur
- Chess, Jan 20, 1920
Halen, Hans-Ove
- Chessgames
- Game, Hans-Ove Halen vs. Rik Wostyn, World Junior Championship, 1959
Haley, Philip Gamblin
- Game, A. Hall vs. Amateur, 1959.
Hallerod, Ralph
Hallstrom, Leo
- Chessgames
- Game, Leo Hallstrom vs. Heikki Koskinen, Finnish Championship, 1960.
Halper, Nate
- Chessgames
- Game, Nate Halper vs. John W. Collins, Marshall Chess Club, 1959.
Hamermesh, Morton ➦ bio + additional games
December 27, 1915 - November 14, 2003- Morton Hamermesh, 1930 ➦ bio + additional games
- Morton Hamermesh, 1934 ➦ bio + additional games
- Morton Hamermesh, 1959 ➦ bio + additional games
- Morton Hamermesh, 1966 ➦ bio + additional games
- Morton Hamermesh, 2003 ➦ bio + additional games
- Morton Hamermesh, 2004 ➦ bio + additional games
Hamman, Robert
- Game, Robert Hamman vs. Philip Reinhold Geffe-Woliston, Southern California League matches, 1936.
- Game, Robert Hamman vs. Walter R. Cunningham, Southern California Chess Championship, 1959.
Hanauer, Milton Loeb ➦ bio + additional games
August 05, 1908 - April 16, 1988- Milton Loeb Hanauer, 1936 ➦ bio + additional games
- Milton Loeb Hanauer, 1988 ➦ bio + additional games
Hanft, Marcy ➦ bio + additional games
September 26, 1926-October 19, 2020Hanks, John B.
- Game, Stefan Lazare vs. John Hanks, 1957
Hanks, John N.
- Game, Hanson vs. Robert Fisher, New Jersey high school tournament, 1960
- Game, William Stevens, San Francisco vs. D. Hardy, Berkeley, 1956
- Game, Eric Osbun vs. D. Hardy, San Francisco Holiday Tournament, December 14, 1958.
Hardinge, Charles Milton ➦ bio + additional games
February 26, 1878 - March 09, 1964- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1918 ➦ bio + additional games
- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1936 ➦ bio + additional games
- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1942 ➦ bio + additional games
- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1943 ➦ bio + additional games
- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1944 ➦ bio + additional games
- Charles Milton Hardinge, 1964 ➦ bio + additional games
Harmat, Matilda
- Game, Samuel Reshevsky vs. Matilda Harmat, Reshevsky Simultaneous, January 28, 1950.
- Game, Samuel Reshevsky vs. Harmat, Simul, circa 1950.
Harmon, Clark
- Game, Robert Loveless vs. Clark Harmon, California Junior Chess Championship, 1959.
- Game, Harrington vs. Hesse, Correspondence League of America, 1937.
Harris, Henry
- Game, William O'Donnell vs. Henry Harris, Cincinnati C. C. championship, 1929.
- Game, Henry Harris vs. Paul Buttenweiser, Ohio state championship preliminaries, Cincinnati C. C., February 1929.
Harris, Walter
- Game, F. Harrold vs. William Pinney, Southern California Chess League, 1933.
- Image, J. L. Harroun, 1910.
- Game, H. Horiuchi vs. H. S. Hart, Southern California League matches, 1936.
- Game, Eric Carlson vs. Haswel, Southern California Chess League, 1934.
Hauck, Sigfrid
- Game, E. Hausleiter vs. Charles Edwin Bauder, The Standard Union “Digest” Correspondence Tournament, 1905.
- J. Hausleiter
Haygarth, Michael John
Hazard, Fred S.
- Chessgames
- Game, Carl Marko vs. Fred S. Hazard, Wilshire CC vs. Hollywood CC, Sunday, December 28, 1952
- Game, David Ames vs. Heap, correspondence game 1957-8.
Hearst, Eliot Sanford ➦ bio + additional games
July 07, 1932 - January 30, 2018- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1949 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1950 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1951 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1952 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1962 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1971 ➦ bio + additional games
- Eliot Sanford Hearst, 1972 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, Hecht vs. Schiffer, Junior Championship of Germany, 1956
Hecht, Hans-Joachim
- Game, Helbig vs. Schroeder, Hamburg, circa 1934.
Heinicke, Herbert
- Chessgames
- Game, Karlsbad, A. Torok vs. Herbert Heinicke, 1939
Heitner, Irving
Helman, Abraham
Helms, Hermann ➦ bio + additional games
January 05, 1870 - January 06, 1963- Hermann Helms, 1910 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1915 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1929 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1936 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1943 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1945 ➦ bio + additional games
- Hermann Helms, 1963 ➦ bio + additional games
Henneberger, Walter
- Chessgames
- Game, Edwin Bhend vs. Walter Henneberger Zurich 1958
- Game, Edwin Bhend vs. Walter Henneberger, Zurich tourney, 1958.
Hergott, Deen
- Chessgames
- Game, Bozidar Ivanovic vs. Deen Hergott, Canadian Open, circa 1983.
Hernandez, Nestor
- Game, Louis Russell Chauvenet vs. Nestor Hernandez, Southern Chess Championship, 1941.
- Teen-Age Champs Spotlighted As Chess Tourney Opens Here, Jul 03, 1949
- Game, Nestor Hernandez vs. Hans Jack Berliner, Southern Championship Tournament, 1949.
- Pearce, Kaltner Entered In State Chess Tournament, Jul 31, 1949
- Game, Harrington vs. Hesse, Correspondence League of America, 1937.
Hesse, Hermann Victor
- Chessgames
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Hermann Victor Hesse, Pennsylvania State tournament, 1930.
- Game, H. L. Wilcox vs. C. C. Hewitt, correspondence game, 1943.
Hill, Leonard
Hillinger, Claude
Hindle, Owen M.
- Chessgames
- Game, Nikola Karalajic vs. Owen M. Hindle, Bognor Regis, 1959.
Hobson, Jim
- Game, Lee Magee vs. E.L. Holland
- Game, R. Fletcher vs. R. Hollinghurst, Oxford vs. Cambridge, 1959.
Holmes, Walter
Holowach, Walter
- Game, D. G. Holt vs. E. R. Perry, Los Angeles Chess Club, 1922.
Holt, John Broadus ➦ bio + additional games
July 02, 1881 - July 17, 1956- John Broadus Holt, 1948 ➦ bio + additional games
- John Broadus Holt, 1949 ➦ bio + additional games
- John Broadus Holt, 1950 ➦ bio + additional games
- John Broadus Holt, 1952 ➦ bio + additional games
- John Broadus Holt, 1956 ➦ bio + additional games
Holt, Otto Arne ➦ bio + additional games
October 25, 1902 - May 01, 1982- Otto Arne Holt, 1924 ➦ bio + additional games
- Otto Arne Holt, 1925 ➦ bio + additional games
- Otto Arne Holt, 1934 ➦ bio + additional games
- Otto Arne Holt, 1935 ➦ bio + additional games
- Otto Arne Holt, 1941 ➦ bio + additional games
- Otto Arne Holt, 1948 ➦ bio + additional games
Holton, Robert
- Game, Robert Holton vs. Doug McVeigh, 1948
Holyon, Robert Earl ➦ bio + additional games
January 25, 1941 - March 06, 2015- Robert Earl Holyon, 1957 ➦ bio + additional games
- Robert Earl Holyon, 1960 ➦ bio + additional games
- Robert Earl Holyon, 1979 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, Rudolf Spielmann vs. Honkinger, 1959.
- Game, Philip Stuart Milner Barry vs. W. A. Hooper, Suffolk vs. Cambridgeshire, Tournament, 1930.
Hoover, Walter
- Game, Walter Hoover vs. Daniel Abraham Yanofsky, Canadian Chess Championship, Round 1, 1959
- Game, H. Horiuchi vs. H. S. Hart, Southern California League matches, 1936.
- Game, O. K. Horner vs. B. C. Jenkines, Indiana State Association Championship, September 12-14, 1911.
Horowitz, Israel Albert ➦ bio + additional games
November 15, 1907-January 18, 1973- Israel Albert Horowitz, 1927 ➦ bio + additional games
- Israel Albert Horowitz, 1936 ➦ bio + additional games
- Israel Albert Horowitz, 1941 ➦ bio + additional games
- Israel Albert Horowitz, 1943 ➦ bio + additional games
- Israel Albert Horowitz, 1944 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, Kupchik vs. Howard, N.Y. Metropolitan Chess League, 1959.
Howell, Clarence Seaman ➦ bio + additional games
April 02, 1881 - October 27, 1936- Clarence Seaman Howell, 1914 ➦ bio + additional games
- Clarence Seaman Howell, 1918 ➦ bio + additional games
- Clarence Seaman Howell, 1920 ➦ bio + additional games
- Clarence Seaman Howell, 1936 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, E. P. Elliot vs. Howland, San Luis Obispo, 1937.
Hudson, John
- Game, Hughes vs. Henry Edward Bird, 1849.
Hunnex, George Anthony ➦ bio + additional games
October 19, 1922 - November 04, 1993Hussain
- Game, Wood vs. Hussain, National Chess League Correspondence Tourney, 1937.
Hussong, Hugo
- Chessgames
- Game, Alexander Alekhine vs. Hugo Hussong, 1930.
Huszar, Joseph
Huth, James L.
- Game, Dr. Robert B. Griffith, Henry McMahon (Hollywood, Ca) vs. James L. Huth, Robert L. Macconel (Hawaii Army Base), 1936.