The Age Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Saturday, June 19, 1897 — The reported death of Steinitz, since contradicted, led the “Rochester Post Express” to revive the following anecdotes of the great master's little peculiarities:— … The happiness of “the Bohemian Caesar,” as Steinitz fondly called himself, was not unalloyed. Paul Morphy was his bête noire. He attempted to undermine the pedestal upon which Morphy's glory is everlastingly established. But he did not succeed. If Blackburne makes a brilliant combination, he calls it a “bit of Morphy.” But no one ever heard anybody call a brilliant finish a bit of Steinitz…”
“Morphy would beat anybody alive today.”
— Bobby Fischer
La Bourdonnais, Louis Charles Mahe De
L'Hommede, Gustave A.
- Chessgames
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski vs. Gustave A. L'Hommede, Los Angeles, 1915.
- Game, F. Axelsson/M. Laett vs. Reuben Fine, consultation game, Orebro, Sweden, January 26, 1937.
- Game, Laffin vs. Thornally, Western Tourneys, 1971.
Lamb, Willis E.
- Chessgames
- Game, Willis E. Lamb vs. Harry Borochow, Los Angeles-San Francisco match at San Luis Obispo, 1931.
- Game, Willis E. Lamb vs. Vladimir Grigorieff, Intercollegiate Tourney in Chicago, 1933.
- Game, Herman Steiner vs. Landau, Dr. Oskam and Haas, exhibition game, Holland, 1928.
- Game, Landeweg vs. Fridrik Olafsson, Bererwijk, Netherlands tournament, 1959
- Game, Langsweg vs. Olafsson, 1959.
Lange, Wilfried
- Chessgames
- Game, Ludwig Engels vs. Wilfried Lange, Barmen, Germany tournament, 1937.
Larrea, Manuel Soto
- Chessgames
- Game, General Soto Larrea vs. Tte. J.J. Araiza, Mexican Championship, 1946
Larsson, Einer
Larsson, Charles A. ➦ bio + additional games
Unknown - UnknownLasker, Emanuel ➦ bio + additional games
December 24, 1868 - January 11, 1941Laucks, Elliott Forry
- Game, John Keckhut vs. Lauderbach, County League Games, 1951.
- Game, Schneider vs. Lauterbach, 1959
Lazare, Stefan
- Chessgames
- Game, Stefan Lazare vs. John Hanks, 1957
Le Clerc, Pierre
- Game, Nicolas Rossolimo vs. Pierre LeClerc, Simul 1958
Le Count, Francis J., Jr. ➦ bio + additional games
November 11, 1889 - August 04, 1929Le Dain, Dudley
Leary, John J. ➦ bio + additional games
unknown - unknownLeeuwen, Joachim Van
- Game, Larry Christiansen vs. Joachim Van Leeuwen, Western Tourneys, 1971.
Lein, Anatoly
- Chessgames
- Game, Anatoly Lein vs. Lengyel, Capablanca Tourney, 1972.
- Game, Anatoly Lein vs. Levy, Capablanca Tourney, 1972.
- Game, Edgar Walther-Dr. P. Leiser, Swiss Cup Competition, April, 1955
Lemaire, Robert
- Chessgames
- Game, Robert Lemaire vs. Louis Ambuhl, Brussels Championship, 1948.
- Game, Robert Lemaire vs. Herman Pilnik, Brussels Tourney, Nov. 25, 1956
- Game, Anatoly Lein vs. Lengyel, Capablanca Tourney, 1972.
Levenfish, Grigory ➦ bio + additional games
March 09, 1889 - February 09, 1961Lengyel, Levente
Leon, Carlos De
- Game, Robert James Fischer vs. Carlos De Leon, Simul Exhibition, Buenos Aires, 1971.
Leonardo Di Bona da Cutri, Giovanni
Leonhardt, Wolfgang
Lepine, Gerard, Jr.
Lerman, Harvey
- Game, Harvey Lerman vs. Michael J. Valvo, Schenectady Chess Club Ladder Game, August 21, 1959.
Lessing, Norman
- Chessgames
- Game, Harold Morton vs. Norman Lessing, United States championship preliminaries, 1936.
- Game, Abraham Solomon Kussman vs. Norman Lessing, Modern Chess Library, circa 1937.
- Game, Jack Moscowitz vs. Norman Lessing, Southern California Chess League, 1959.
Lester, Orlando
- Game, Weaver W. Adams vs. Orlando Lester, New England Championship, 1948.
Letelier Martner, Rene
Levein, Dr. Charles B.
- Game, Dr. Charles B. Levein vs. Joseph Balint, New York Met Chess League team championship, 1937.
- Game, Dr. C. Levine (Williamsburg CC) vs. David S. Polland (Marshall CC), circa 1936.
- Game, Anatoly Lein vs. Levy, Capablanca Tourney, 1972.
- Game, W. A. Lewis vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, off-hand game, 1919.
- Game, Stasch Mlotkowski/G. D. Gowdy vs. E. R. Perry/R. W. Lewis, consultation game, Los Angeles, 1922.
Light, Noum
- Chessgames
- Game, Noum Light vs. Herman Steiner, Southern California Chess League, March 10, 1934.
Lighton, William R.
- Editor of Kansas City Journal Chess, Jul 15, 1928
Lilienthal, Andre ➦ bio + additional games
May 05, 1911 - May 08, 2010Limbos, Paul, Dr.
- Chessgames
- Game, Dr. Paul Limbos vs. Frits Van Seters, Tournament in Brussels, 1956
Lipking, Lawrence
Lisitsin, Georgy
- Chessgames
- Game, Georgy Lisitsin vs. Archil Ebralidze, match, 1937.
Littlewood, John E.
- Chessgames
- Game, John E. Littlewood vs. Constant Orbaan, England v. Holland, 1960
Lobo, Jorge Aldrete
- Game, Danny Price vs. Loera, Hawthorne High School vs. Loyala High School, 1959.
Loera, Antonio
- Game, Detrich vs. Antonio Loera, Chess for Youth tournament, 1959.
- Game, Antonio Loera vs. John Jaffray, 1959.
Lombardy, William ➦ bio + additional games
December 04, 1937 - October 13, 2017- William Lombardy, 1957 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Lombardy, 1958 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Lombardy, 1961 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Lombardy, 1969 ➦ bio + additional games
- William Lombardy, 2017 ➦ bio + additional games
- Game, Long vs. Stein, off-hand game, L. A. C. C., 1936.
Long, Richard
- Game, David Ames vs. Richard Long, Junior Correspondence Championship Finals, 1957
Longacre, J. Howard
- Game, J. Howard Longacre vs. Stasch Mlotkowski, local match, Philadelphia, circa 1900.
- Game, R. Lontoc, Jr., 1947
Lontoc, Ramon
- Chessgames, 1967-1974
- Game, O.S. Bernstein-R. Lorens, Barcelona tourney, 1944.
Lopez, Alberto
- Game, Alberto Lopez vs. Irving Rivise, Capablanca Chess Club of Havana and the Hollywood Chess Group, 1951.
- Game, Irving Rivise vs. Alberto Lopez, Capablanca Chess Club of Havana and the Hollywood Chess Group, 1951.
Lopez, Ruy
Lougheed-Freedman, Annabelle
- Game, Lovas vs. Asztalos, 1959.
Loveless, Robert
- Game, Robert Loveless vs. Clark Harmon, California Junior Chess Championship, 1959.
Luckis, Marcos
- Chessgames
- Game, Bolbochan vs. Luckis, 1949
Lundin, Erik Ruben
- Chessgames
- Game, Erik Ruben Lundin vs. Petar Trifunovic, Sweden, Board 3, circa 1950.
Lutikov, Anatoly Stepanovich
- Game, Lyman vs. Orest Popovych, Unknown, 1959.
Lyman, Harry
Lyon, Richard F.
- Game, Moses Scholtz vs. Richard F. Lyon, Southern California Chess League, 1929.