Additional Games
- Chessgames
- Game, Dr. Robert B. Griffith vs. Dr. Ward, Southern California Tournament, 1933.
- Game, Harry Borochow vs. Dr. Robert B. Griffith, Southern California Chess League, 1934.
- Game, Robert B. Griffith vs. Louis Millstein, informal tournament, 1935.
- Game, Adolf Jay Fink vs. Dr. Robert B. Griffith, annual North-South match, California, May 31, 1936.
- Game, Dr. Robert B. Griffith, Henry McMahon (Hollywood, Ca) vs. James L. Huth, Robert L. Macconel (Hawaii Army Base), 1936.
- Game, Edward P. Elliot vs. Dr. Robert B. Griffith, Southern California League matches, 1936.
Clark vs. Griffith 24 Sep 1916, Sun The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
We received recently an interesting letter from Stasch Mlotkowski, formerly a member of the Franklin Chess Club and now living at Los Angeles, California. Mlotkowski states that the recent match between Northern California and Southern California played Labor Day will probably result in a victory for Northern California. Three games are to be adjudicated. This match was of special interest on account of the appearance of Dr. Griffith, formerly of this city and an exceptionally able player. Dr. Griffith has not been playing chess for some years and we are pleased to part see that he is again taking a prominent part in the game. We publish in this column the game that he played in the above match with Clark. The game went to adjudication and will probably end in a draw.
Dr. Griffith wished to be particularly remembered to his old friends at the Franklin Chess Club. Our readers will recall that on May 30, 1900, he played for Franklin vs. Manhattan, defeating Roething, of the Manhattan Chess Club.
The following game played on Labor Day in a match between Northern and Southern California was forwarded to us by S. Mlotkowski. Dr. Griffith our readers will recall was formerly a student at the University cf this city and a member of the Franklin Chess Club. He played for the club in one or two of the matches against Manhattan, and was regarded while in the city as one of the leading players here. His style was original and brilliant.
The game was continued a number of moves and finally left unfinished and is to be adjudicated. Mlotkowski announces that it most probably will be adjudicated a draw.
Doctor Doesn't Answer Divorce 12 Jul 1926, Mon Los Angeles Evening Post-Record (Los Angeles, California)
Doctor Doesn't Answer Divorce
Dr. Robert B. Griffith, prominent plastic surgeon is unconcerned over the action of his wife, Mrs. Vivian Griffith, in getting a divorce.
A default entered by Mrs Griffith's attorneys indicates the surgeon's lack of interest. By the terms of the mutual agreement reached Mrs. Griffith is to have $200 a month toward the support of herself and their 4-year-old son Robert.
Married in 1921 the Griffiths separated in 1925.
Chess Players Issue Challenge 23 Mar 1931, Mon Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, California)
George Patterson, Harry Borochow and Dr. R. B. Griffith, members of the Beverly Hills Chess Club have issued a challenge to all corners to meet them in a three-star tandem chess match at the club Wednesday night.
In a tandem match three players instead of one direct a side's play.
Nonmembers successful in defeating the tandem team will be made members.
Reservations may be made with Secretary Henry MacMahon at Oxford 2028.
Cars Collide Head-On Near Ventura 31 May 1937, Mon Ventura County Star (Ventura, California)
Fillmore Man, Chess Champion And Woman Accident Victims
Automobile accidents claimed the lives of three persons and resulted in injuries for five others over the week-end.
The three fatalities occurred in a spectacular crash late last night at the intersection of 101 highway and Telephone road four miles east of Ventura. Four were injured in an accident on Telegraph road.
The dead:
Fred Davalas, 28, Fillmore ranch worker;
Dr. Robert B. Griffith, 58, of Beverly Hills, reportedly well-known chess champion;
Miss Thelma Smith, about 35, of Los Angeles.
The injured:
Herman Steiner, 32, of Los Angeles:
Roy Cox, 39; Altiene Cox, 33; Naylar Rihbany, 19, and Jennie Rihbany, 16, all of Fillmore.
Sheriffs deputies and California highway patrol officers were called to the scene of the Telephone road intersection crash at approximately 9:30 p. m.
Other Victims 01 Jun 1937, Tue The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)
Other victims of the tragedy were Dr. Robert B. Griffith, 58-year-old Beverly Hills physician, a passenger with Miss Smith in an automobile driven by Herman Steiner, chess editor of The Times, and Fred Davalos, 28, of Fillmore, driver of the second car.
Steiner, critically injured, is in Foster Memorial Hospital in Ventura with a possible fractured skull and severe face and neck lacerations.
Funeral services for Griffith will be conducted Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
Griffith 01 Jun 1937, Tue The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)
GRIFFITH. Suddenly May 30 at Ventura. Dr. Robert B. Griffith, beloved father of Mrs. D. A. Gazzaniga, Robert Blake Griffith, Jr. and Arthur Griffith, brother of Mrs. Claire M. Parker. Services Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock in Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn. Garrett Brothers, directors.