- Chessgames
- Game, Gediminas Sveikauskas vs. Snyder, Boston-Philadelphia Telephone Match, March 22, 1959.
- Game, Alex Sadowsky vs. Gediminas Sveikauskas, New England Amateur Tournament, 1959.
- Game, Gediminas Sveikauskas vs. Anthony Suraci, New England Amateur Chess Tournament, 1959.
- Game, David Ames vs. Gediminas Sveikauskas, 3rd Round, Greater Boston chess championship, 1959.
- Game, Gediminas Sveikauskas vs. David Scheffer, Greater Boston Championship Tournament, 1959.
Gediminas Sveikauskas of West Roxbury, former Boston chess champion, props his head and shades his eyes as the moment of truth approaches.
Lithuanian Chess and the Youth Sports Club jointly sponsored a banquet at the South Boston Lithuanian Club Nov. 9. Awards were made to young members of both sponsoring groups for recent achievements and kick-off for the Winter season.
Speakers included Anthony Shallna. Lithuanian Consul, Dr. Anthony Kapochy, president of the Lithuanian Chess Club and Kazys Merkis, the strong-man of Boston chess. Toastmaster vas John Grigalus.
Chess players honored were Gediminas Sveikauskas, Gediminas Kuodis, 14, and A. Maikaitis, 13.
Gediminas Sveikauskas, Harvard, won the USCF rating improvement tournament for May with a 4½-½ score. This may well bo the first time within memory of the oldest citizen that a Bostonian has invaded New York and won an open tournament there. Sveikauskas seems to be hit ting his stride now, just a few weeks ago he was awarded second place in the New England amateur tournament, another USCF event.
Since Geddy does so well in USCF meets perhaps he will be interested in the United States amateur chess championship at the Monterey Hotel, Asbury Park, N.J., over Memorial Day week-end, May 29-31.
Gediminas Sveikauskas, who is playing for London Terrace chess club in New York's Met League, has been undefeated this season. This is a fine record in exceedingly fast company. Geddy's latest opponent was Weinstein who is Marshall Club champion, finished third in the latest U.S. title tourney, and has qualified for the next interzonal.
Here is another game from the Greater Boston, won by Gediminas Sveikauskas against Pat Eberlein in the last round. This one is a Saemisch King's Indian in which Eberlein as black sacks a pawn and then the exchange in a meritorious effort to put a pincers around White's uncastled King. His attack flags somewhat when he allows the exchange of Queens, but he still gets the better game. White gets more space and on a second swing around the same dance floor. White finds a successful twirl.
Gediminas Sveikauskas, Harvard, captured second place in the recent New England amateur tournament. Herein, Geddy essays with success a variation of the Sicilian that is remotely related to the variation that proved fatal to Scheffer in his game with O'Keefe. From round three of the 1959 N. E. Amateur: