January 04 1962
Journal Tribune, Biddeford, Maine, Thursday, January 04, 1962
Harlow B. Daly Wins Portland Chess Tournament
Harlow B. Daly of the Country Club road won the Portland chess tournament over the weekend scoring five and a half points, five victories and a draw in the six-round contest.
He displaced Stanley Elowitch, Tufts University student who has held the title- for five years.
Daly holds the New England Amateur and Maine Open titles.
Dr. Vaughn Sturtevant of Waterville won second place with five points, losing only to Daly and John Merrill of Portland was third with a score of four.
Elowitch, whose winning years began when he was a ninth grader finished fourth with three and a half points. He played the draw with Daly but lost to Sturtevant and to Jeffrey Doucette of Portland.
Twelve players took part in the contest and cash awards were presented to the top five.
Daly won $12, an engraved trophy, and a year's possession of the permanent championship plaque on which his name will be engraved.