February 15 1893
The Indiana State Sentinel, Indianapolis, Indiana, Wednesday, February 15, 1893
Will Bestow a Medal at the International Chess Contest.
New York, Feb. 7.—[Special.]—Mr. Cleveland has consented to accept the honor of first patron of the international chess tournament to be held in this city during May or June of the present year, and will also present a medal to the winner of the first prize. It is intended to make this one of the distinctly great chess events of the year, and its promoters confidently expect that the most noted chess players of the world will participate in it. The fact that it is to be held while the world's fair is open at Chicago will give it an unusual importance, and the lovers of the royal game everywhere will doubtless be drawn here to take part in it, either as spectators or as players. The work of arranging the details of the tournament here has been in the hands of Mr. D. Frederick Minz, vice-president of the Manhattan chess club, and of Hartwig Cassel, the chess editor of the New York Staats Zeitung.