September 29 1940
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas, Sunday, September 29, 1940
Correspondence chess frequently is more lively than over-the-board play. This fact may puzzle the person who doesn't play chess or the player who has never engaged an opponent by mail. In correspondence chess a person has an opportunity for thorough analysis of various continuations offered by each move. A gambit or a sacrifice move which might be discarded in an over-the-board game because the time element prohibits study might be found playable with proper analysis. In this game played in the Continental Jubilee Correspondence Tournament sponsored by the veteran Herman Helms of New York the dreaded Muzio Gambit was played with success.
Louis Russell Chauvenet (white) vs. Steele (black)
King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit, Sarratt Defense
Because white will mate with his next move—23. N-KB7mate.