August 13 1932
(Calisphere) The International Chess congress will open at Pasadena on Monday with players shown above. Seated, left to right, Henry MacMahon, La Vieve Hines, Dr. Robert B. Griffith. Standing left to right, Harry Borochow, Isaac Kashdan and Arthur W. Dake. Mr. Borochow of Los Angeles is the California state champion, Mr. Dake of Portland is the Pacific Coast champion and Miss Hines is the champion woman player of the Pacific coast. Dr. Griffith of Beverly Hills is former American intercollegiate champion. Photo dated: Aug. 13, 1932.
August 16 1932
Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946), Isaac Kashdan (1905-1985), J. J. Araiza (1900-1971), Samuel Reshevsky (1911-1992), Harry Borochow (June 15, 1898-October 20, 1993), and Arthur W. Dake (1910-2000) gather for World Chess Congress, Pasadena, 1932. Photo by Los Angeles Times.
Similar photograph appears with the article, “Chess Wizards Open Congress,” Los Angeles Times, 16 Aug 1932. The chess masters of the world are attending a two-week battle royal at the Hotel Maryland in Pasadena, competing in the World's Chess Congress.
Isaac's hand is poised over the table, he and Dr. Alekhine looking into the camera from where they are seated across from each other. The rest of the men stand around their table, Captain Araiza looking at the chessboard while the other men look into the camera.
Source: UCLA/Los Angeles Times.
August 18 1932
August 28 1932
Beats Master 28 Aug 1932, Sun The Pasadena Post (Pasadena, California) Newspapers.comBEATS MASTER
Twenty-two-year-old Portland, Ore., chess champion of the Pacific Coast, who last night won over Dr. Alexander Alekhine, world's chess champion, in the Pasadena Chess Congress at the Maryland Hotel.