January 16 1916
The Journal and Tribune, Knoxville, Tennessee, Sunday, January 16, 1916
Memorial Chess Tourney.
New York, Jan. 15.—Twelve international chess experts will take part in the opening of the Isaac L. Rice memorial chess masters tournament, at the Brooklyn Chess club tomorrow. The entries are David Janowski, Serbia; Jose R. Capablanca, Cuba; B. Kostic, Belgrade; A. W. Fox, Washington; N. W. Banks, Detroit; F. K. Perkins, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; A. B. Hedges, A. Schroeder, J. Bernstein, O. Chajes, A. Kupchik and B. Tenenwurzel, of New York.
Capablanca is the favorite with Janowski second. The first five rounds will be played next week at various New York clubs. Succeeding rounds will be played in New York and at New Haven, Conn.