May 18 1949
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, May 18, 1949
To the Editor of The Inquirer:
Now we have it! The Russians not only discovered and invented everything, but there is also a bourgeois and a Soviet game of chess with different meanings and aims. What nonsense! I am referring to Isaac Ash's chess column in The Sunday Inquirer about the Russian master's utterances on chess.
I used to play that wonderful game and can tell you this: One world may stay a dream forever in most things, but we have reached it already in the field of chess. There are not only correspondence games between say, Capetown and Canton or Harrisburg and Vienna, but there are also international tournaments that are attended by people of the whole earth: Americans, Germans, Russians, English, Dutch and what not who have only one aim: to play a good game, nothing else. I call that international friendship.
My old experience teaches me that chess is half a game and half a science that sharpens the brain notwithstanding whether that brain is located in a capitalistic or in a Soviet skull. That's all. The Russians are very good chess players—but good players are also to be found in countries without the Soviet dogma.
Philadelphia, May 15.