May 13, 1954
The Banner-Press, David City, Nebraska, Thursday, May 13, 1954
Donald S. Burdick Wins $4000 Duke U. Scholarship
Donald S. Burdick of Huntington, W. Va., grandson of Mrs. H. E. Burdick of David City, has been awarded a $4000 West Virginia Regional Scholarship to Duke University at Durham, N.C.
He is one of the four winners of the newly established scholarships, which are offered annually on a competitive basis to seniors in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and West Virginia.
Donald, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Burdick will receive $1000 annually during his four years at Duke, provided he maintains a high scholastic average and continues to develop in leadership and character, the basis for his award. He plans to major in mathematics.
President of the senior class at Marshall High School, Burdick won fifth place in the state in the annual NEPH essay contest and has won many chess championship awards. His extracurricular activities have included two years of varsity basketball, layout editor for the school's yearbook, and treasurer of Senior Dramatics, the Junior Red Cross Council and the sophomore class.