November 25 1937
Banks Undefeated In Checker and Chess Tests Here
Courier-Journal Photo.
Newell W. Banks of Detroit, for many year one of the ablest checker and chess players in the world, was undefeated in exhibitions at the Hermitage Hotel last night. Blindfolded, he won 3 and drew one of 4 checker games; won 8 and drew 4 of 12 games with “eyes open” and won 5 and drew one of 6 chess games. The games in each series were played simultaneously.
The picture shows Mr. Banks, blindfolded, engaging Leon Rudd (left), J. W. Couch (center) and A. B. Barton at checkers, while J. Bruce Clark (left) and W. W. Pulley look on. Those who drew at checkers were Mr. Clark, Mr. Rudd, R. P. Summers and Edward Petz. Richard W. Shields gained the only draw at chess.