April 04 1985
The Gazette, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Thursday, April 04, 1985
Berlow, Peter Paul. Age forty-four years. On Tuesday, April 2, 1985 at home. Beloved son of Philip Berlow of Roselle, New Jersey, and the late Lillian R. Berlow, Devoted husband of Carolyn Feuer and dear father of Mark, Pamela and Marilou. Memorial service at Temple Emmanu-El-Beth Sholom, 4100 Sherbrooke St. West, on Thursday, April 4 at 5:15 p.m. In lieu of gifts, memorials may be made to the Jewish General Hospital for Oncology. 3755 Cote Ste. Catherine Rd., Montreal H3T 1E2.
Princeton Alumni Weekly - Volume 86
Peter Berlow died April 02, 1985, of cancer, in Montreal.
Peter was born October 02, 1940 in New York City. He attended Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey, where he was active in chess and chemistry.
As a freshman at Princeton, he was a basketball manager and Chess Club secretary. For three years he was also an active member of the Woodrow Wilson Society. In his upperclass years, he became president both of the Princeton Chess CLub and of the Intercollegiate Chess League of America. His undergraduate major was Chemistry.
He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Cornell, where he also enjoyed playing chess. Following Cornell, he did post-doctoral work at l'universite de Montreal and taught Chemistry at Dawson College in Montreal from 1969 until the time of his death.
He co-authored a book titled Introduction to the Chemistry of Life.
Peter is survived by his father, Philip Berlow of Roselle, New Jersey; his wife, Carolyn Feuer Berlow; son Mark; and two daughters, Pamela and Marilou, all of Montreal. To them the Class extends its deepest sympathy.
Class of 1962