June 13 1960
Rapid City Journal, Rapid City, South Dakota, Monday, June 13, 1960
Airman New State Chess Champion
A/2C Robert E. Holyon, formerly stationed at Ellsworth Force Base, was crowned state chess champion at the state tournament held in Rapid City this weekend. Holyon, who is being transferred from the Rapid City to duty in France, unseated M. F. Anderson of Rapid City, many-time champion.
Runner-up in the two-day contest was E. M. Welling of Rapid City.
Following tournament play Sunday the following were elected to office: Richard Denu, Pine Ridge, president; Stanley Brownhill, Rapid City, secretary-treasurer, and Anderson, vice president. Anderson was tournament director and a defending champion.
Highlighting the meet was a decision to join the U.S. Chess Federation in order to receive national recognition. All players participating the tourney held membership in federation and it will be required that all participants in future state meets be members of the national organization.
During the next year the state in the junior high schools group will conduct, tournaments state to create interest chess. The association will provide trophies to winning students.
Unless a stronger bid is received before tournament time next year the state tournament will be conducted in Rapid City.