March 17 1931
Long Beach Leads in Chess Tourney; Defeats California Tech 7 Games to 1
New Club Is Added to Lists as County Employees Organize for Participation in Competition.
Long Beach took the lead Saturday in the Chess League interclub tournament by defeating California Institute of Technology 7 games to 1. Other midmonth scores: Beverly Hills, 7; Highland Park, 1; Pasadena, 4; Santa Barbara, 4.
The club team from the Marine City entered the league but a few weeks ago. The prediction of the wise ones as to Long Beach being the dark horse is verified by the race results to date, Long Beach now attaining the lead by the score of 3 matches to 1, Beverly Hills a close second, 2½ to ½, and Los Angeles third, 1½ to ½.
A new club has been added to the lists of Southern California chess competitions by an organization meeting of the county employees chess fans in the Hall of Records. Bryant Hall, H. R. Freeman, Robert Gronke and Alfred Pray are prominent in this new group, which expects to participate in the Chess League tournament next season.
Among the important events scheduled for the summer in Southern California chess are the annual Los Angeles-San Francisco meet on Memorial Day and the state championship meet to be held on August 2 to 9 inclusive. The Chess League matches end in May and it is probable that a play-off of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles will be in order, as was the case last year.