February 23 1918
Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Saturday, February 23, 1918
Barkuloo Retains State Chess Title by Close Margin
St. Paul Man Meets Stiff Opposition—Miller Wins Minor Meet.
Dare Barkuloo of St. Paul retained his title of state chess champion yesterday when he bested a fast field of players in the twenty-fourth annual state tournament at the Minneapolis Chess clubrooms in the Kasota building. The minor title went to L. Miller, also of the Saintly City.
Barkuloo did not have any snap retaining his title, however, for he had to play at his best to beat E. P. Elliott, also of St. Paul. H. Hokenson, Minneapolis; W. Gislason, Minneota, and E. A. Sherk of Minneapolis divided second and third honors.
By beating R. H. Stewart and E. Freier, Minneapolis, L. Miller grabbed first honors in the minor tourney, while McManigal and Heinemann divided second honors with Rodeen.