July 27 1959
Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Arizona, Monday, July 27, 1959
Chess By Radio—Ten members of the Encanto Chess Club deliberate moves while Jim Jeffries, 17, of 105 E. Lamar, maintains two-way radio contact with opponents in China Lake, Calif. Seated, from left, are Danny and David Gollub, Valentine Tirman, and Jim Smith. Calling the moves to radio operator is Starr Cook, standing, secretary-treasurer of the Encanto Chess Club.—Photo by Frank Fafara.
Hams Relay Moves
Long-Distance Chess Play Moves Made By Radio
“K6HPC at China Lake…this is W7FMZ. King six Henry Peter Charley at China Lake…this is William seven Fox Mike Zebra.”
This begins a chess game?
If you're playing a team match with China Lake, Calif., it does.
Another Phoenix first took place yesterday. Jim Jeffries, 17, of 105 E. Lamar and Gary Hamman, 17, of 1420 E. Missouri served as ham radio operator “go betweens” for a broadcast chess match between the Encanto Chess Club and the China Lake Chess Club of China Lake, Calif.
The Phoenix end of the match was played in the Jeffries home.
Radio contact was made at 1:32 p.m. Constant naming of moves continued throughout the afternoon until signals were disrupted by last night's storm.
The chess teams matched 10 of their best men against each other in championship games. Chess players ranging in age from 27 to 72 became absorbed in matches, the longest of which were still being played at the time of interruption six hours later.
Manning the chess boards for Phoenix were Jim Smith, Valentine Tirman, David and Danny Gollub, Starr Cook, Charles Gray, F. L. Kelsey, Tom Cunningham, Vic Masters, and Joe Talla. All have been impatiently awaiting the match planned since May.
“Although the constant chatter doesn't allow for much thinking, the radio set makes for much faster play,” pointed out Tom Cunningham, vice president of the Encanto Chess Club.
Team matches by telegraph played Oct. 12, 1953, with Albuquerque, N. M., lasted until 4 a.m. the following day.
Although yesterday afternoon's matches were not completed entirely, Starr Cook, secretary treasurer of the club, assured members that play will be continued “just as soon as I can contact China Lake and set another date.”