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Philip Stuart Milner-Barry, 1932

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February 03 1932

1932, London Chess Congress

Liverpool Daily Post, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, Wednesday, February 03, 1932


Yesterday morning's programme at the Chess Congress in London was confined to the playing off of the adjourned games left over from the first round. Dr. Alekhine, as anticipated, beat Sultan, but not until after eighty moves had been scored. Sultan is an exceptionally good player of endings but from the position at the adjournment he was not able to do more than to make the almost inevitable win very difficult for the champion.
Flohr won his adjourned game against Sir George Thomas after a few more moves had been made. The Czecho-Slovakian master who had the upper hand from the middle game, brought off a brilliant finish, which was extensively analysed but found to be flawless. Play went to the forty-third move.

Isaac Kashdan vs Philip Stuart Milner-Barry
London (1932), London ENG, rd 1, Feb-01
Spanish Game: Morphy Defense. Neo-Archangelsk Variation (C78) 1-0

Kashdan was rather fortunate against Milner-Barry, who secured a violent counterattack against his strong opponent, but missed a winning move just before the adjournment. Milner-Barry was never able after this to recover material he had sacrificed, and Kashdan coming out of his troubles with a pawn in hand, scored the game on the 64th move. The game between Buerger and Koltanowski was drawn after 41 moves.
The second round games were opened in the evening. Alekhine secured his second win in the tournament, but only after four and a half hours' play, Miss Menchik putting up a steady and careful defence for the greater part of the time. Gradually, however, the champion built up a superior game and a strong concentration of pieces on the King's side enabled him to force a mating position, Miss Menchik resigning on the forty-first move. Milner-Barry beat Tartakower. Winter and Maroczy drew.

Philip Stuart Milner-Barry vs Savielly Tartakower
London (1932), London ENG, rd 2, Feb-02
Caro-Kann Defense: Masi Variation (B10) 1-0

1932, International Chess Play, London, In Second Round

The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, Wednesday, February 03, 1932

International Chess Play In Its Second Round
Feb 2 (A. P.)-The second round of the international chess tournament was contested today at Central Hall, Westminster. Dr A. Alekhine Of Paris and P. S. Milner-Barry of Oxford were the winners. The summaries:
Sultan Khan, India, vs. Flohr, Czechoslovakia, adjourned.
Menchik, Czechoslovakia, lost to Alekhine, France.
Winter, England, drew with Maroczy, Hungary.
Milner-Barry, England, won from Tartakower, Poland.
Buerger, England, vs. Kashdan, United States, adjourned.
Koltanowski, Belgium, vs. Thomas, England, adjourned.
Alekhine, 2-0, leads, followed by Flohr and Kashdan, each 1-0.

February 07 1932

1932, World Chess Champion

Sunday Mirror, London, London, England, Sunday, February 07, 1932

World Champion
This view, of course, applies, to some extent, to most games. Moreover, I have to admit that I enjoyed watching the game between Dr. Alekhine, the world champion, and Mr. Milner Barry. Dr. Alekhine is aided by a cigarette, while Mr. Barry's only ally is a pipe. Dr. Alekhine moves and then goes into a trance, Mr. Barry moves and then goes into hibernation. I watched for half an hour and then went. Overwrought, I should have been led away shouting ribaldries if I had stopped much longer in that deathly silence of concentration.

February 14 1932

1932, International Chess Masters Tournament in London

The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sunday, February 14, 1932

The conclusion of the third round of the International Chess Masters' Tournament, now being staged at London, England, found I. Kashdan, young New York master, in a tie for first honors with Dr. Alexander Alekhine, of Paris, world's chess champion. Each had scored three consecutive victories. Kashdan had defeated Milner-Barry and Victor Buerger, both of England, and G. Koltanowski, of Belgium. Dr. Alekhine scored his successes by defeating Mir Sultan Khan, of India; Miss Vera Menchik, woman chess champion, and W. Winter, of England. Twelve players are contesting in the tournament.
In Round 4, Kashdan drew with Tartakower, while Dr. Alekhine defeated Milner-Barry. Also in this round, Flohr, by defeating Winter, tied Kashdan for second position.
In Round 5, Kashdan drew with Alekhine, while Flohr won his game and succeeded in drawing up to a tie with Alekhine for the leadership.

March 05 1932

1932, London Chess Master's Tournament

Cheltenham Chronicle and Gloucestershire Graphic, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, Saturday, March 05, 1932

The game between S. Flohr and P. S. Milner-Barry in the recent London “Masters” tourney. Flohr had white.

Salomon Flohr vs Philip Stuart Milner-Barry
London (1932), London ENG, rd 5, Feb-05
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical. Milner-Barry Variation (E33) 1-0

4. … N-B3
(a) P-B3 considered better.
8. … P-K4
(b) Not good, losing a pawn with no real attack.
14. … P-KN4
(c) A good idea, threatening a winning attack if PxN, by PxB, PxB, Q-R5ch, K-Q, QR-Qch, K-B or B2, P-B6.
21.… QxR
(d) If Q-K4, QxQ. PxQ, RxP and will win.
25. B-Q4
(e) QxB only delays mate by one move.

Milner-Barry won the following in the same tourney, v. the celebrated player Tartakower.

Philip Stuart Milner-Barry vs Savielly Tartakower
London (1932), London ENG, rd 2, Feb-02
Caro-Kann Defense: Masi Variation (B10) 1-0

30. … N-N4
(a) A bad move, shutting in the Bishop.

Mr. Milner Barry was one of Alekhine's eleven opponents when Alekhine played “blindfold” in Cheltenham in 1923. Alekhine won (and nine other games, losing to Mr. Foxwell), but remarked that Mr. Milner-Barry played very strongly, and he found the game the most interesting of the evening. Mr. Milner-Barry had lately won the British Boys' Championship, being the first to hold the title.

March 06 1932

1932, International Chess Masters Tournament, London, Philip Stuart Milner Barry vs. Alexander Alekhine.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday, March 06, 1932

An interesting game played in the recent International London Tournament. This is one of the games where P-Q4 was not played for White. The opening, however, would have been of more interest had White continued for his third move P-KB4, a form of the King's Gambit which we believe is stronger for the attack after each player has continued with 2. N-QB3 than if played immediately on White's second move.

Philip Stuart Milner-Barry vs Alexander Alekhine
London (1932), London ENG, rd 4, Feb-04
Bishop's Opening: Vienna Hybrid (C28) 0-1

April 01 1932

1932, Time Limit Chess Comedy, Vera Menchik vs. Philip Stuart Milner Barry

Liverpool Daily Post, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, Friday, April 01, 1932


After the fifth round in the Masters' tournament Sultan and Van Den Bosch share the lead. These fine players meet on Saturday in their individual game on which probably the result of the whole contest at Cambridge will depend.
Van Den Bosch who had Alexander as his opponent in a queen's pawn opening secured a superior position in the opening through probably a premature attempt by Alexander to open out the game. The Cambridge man was in fact able to do very little throughout except mark, while the Dutch master repressing skillfully all his efforts to secure freedom worked up a winning, The end came on the twenty-eighth move with Alexander's resignation.

Race Against Time
Comedy had a hand in the ending of a game between Miss Menchik and Milner Barry. Both players were desperately short of time just before the adjournment, the lady champion having to put in something like fourteen moves in less than five minutes while Milner Barry was in a very little better case. Miss Menchik had apparently a losing game but the position or the play hardly mattered. The great thing was to get in the requisite number of moves. As it happened, Milner-Barry made a mistake in the scramble stopped to consider how best to get out of it, hesitated over his moves, and had the mortification of seeing the flag signal on his timing clock fall before the tally was complete. Miss Menchik, winning on time limit had herself only a few seconds in hand.

Vera Menchik vs Philip Stuart Milner-Barry
Cambridge (1932), rd 5, Mar-26
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical. Milner-Barry Variation (E33) 1-0

1932, Tie For Lead in Cambridge Chess

The Guardian, London, Greater London, England, Friday, April 01, 1932

Chess: Tie For Lead at Cambridge
A Brilliant Game
From our Chess Correspondent
At the end of the fifth round yesterday in the premier tournament at Cambridge Sultan Khan and J. van den Bosch tied with four points each and a one-point lead over their nearest rivals. Sultan Khan adopted the English opening against T. H. Tylor, but no advantage was gained by either side, and the game was drawn with two rooks, pawns, and bishops of opposite colour.
Van den Bosch played in excellent style against C. H. Alexander from a queen's pawn opening, and with two bishops, a queen, and a rook—an ideal attacking combination—he won a brilliantly played game. Miss Menchik obtained an advantageous opening against P. S. Milner Barry (queen's pawn), and though at one part her opponent was a pawn ahead, she always had as compensation the positional advantage, and won a neat ending. F. D. Yates and Sir G. A. Thomas played another Ruy Lopez, and the game fluctuated a little. Yates missed a fairly easy winning combination after about 40 moves, and later it was agreed to draw. Scores:—Sultan Khan and Van den Bosch 4 each, Alexander 3, Thomas and Yates 2½ each, Miss Menchik 2, Tylor 1½, Milner Barry ½.
In the major A tournament O'Hanlon beat Reid. Golombek drew with Cross, Koltanowski beat Reid, and Fry beat Mackenzie. Leading scores:—Cross and Golombek 3½ each, Koltanowski 3 and one adjourned.
In the major B tournament Carmichael leads with 4½ points.
A finely played game from the third round:—

(a) Avoiding the complications arising from 6. NxN, followed by P-Q4, or 6. P-QB3, and in any event 6. N-B3 is a sound developing move.
(b) This loses time, as will be seen, for black must play according to plan and retain his KB and keep the diagonal for it open.
(c) A fine defensive move, and the only one to keep the position intact. If BxP or B-K3, 16. NxNPch would force a speedy win.
(d) Seizing at once a clear avenue of attack, the open KB file.
(e) Black's sortie on the queen's side has failed, and he cannot play RxNPch, as after QxR his Q is pinned.
(f) Forcing mate: 45.… R-R3; 46. R-N8ch R-N3; 47. Q-B6ch, K-R3; 48. R-R8mate.

Fred Dewhirst Yates (white) vs. Philip Stuart Milner Barry (black)
Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defense, Neo-Arkhangelsk Variation

Fred Dewhirst Yates vs. Philip Stuart Milner Barry, 1932

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. N-KB3 N-QB3
3. B-N5 P-QR3
4. B-R4 N-B3
5. O-O B-B4
6. N-B3 P-Q3
7. P-KR3 B-Q2
8. P-Q3 N-Q5
9. NxN BxN
10. B-N3 P-QB3
11. N-K2 B-R2
12. N-N3 Q-B2
13. Q-B3 B-K3
14. B-N5 BxB
15. N-B5 N-N
16. RPxB P-KB3
17. B-K3 P-KN3
18. N-N3 K-B2
19. BxB RxB
20. Q-K3 R-R
21. P-KB4 K-N2
22. R-B2 N-K2
24. P-KR4 P-KR3
25. R-B3 PxP
26. RxP P-Q4
27. Q-B2 Q-Q3
28. P-Q4 Q-K3
29. P-K5 P-KB4
30. P-R5 P-QB4
31. P-QB3 PxQP
32. PxQP QR-B
33. PxP KxP
34. Q-B3 R-B7
35. Q-R5ch K-N2
36. NxPch NxN
37. RxN RxR
38. RxR Q-KN3
39. Q-B3 R-B3
40. R-KB4 P-KR4
41. QxQP K-R3
42. R-B8 Q-N8ch
43. K-R2 R-KN3
44. R-R8ch K-N4
45. Q-B3 1-0
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 a6
4. Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 Bc5
6. Nc3 d6
7. h3 Bd7
8. d3 Nd4
9. Nxd4 Bxd4
10. Bb3 c6
11. Ne2 Ba7
12. Ng3 Qc7
13. Qf3 Be6
14. Bg5 Bxb3
15. Nf5 Ng8
16. axb3 f6
17. Be3 g6
18. Ng3 Kf7
19. Bxa7 Rxa7
20. Qe3 Ra8
21. f4 Kg7
22. Rf2 Ne7
23. Rf1 Rhf8
24. h4 h6
25. Rf3 exf4
26. Rxf4 d5
27. Qf2 Qd6
28. d4 Qe6
29. e5 f5
30. h5 c5
31. c3 cxd4
32. cxd4 Rc8
33. hxg6 Kxg6
34. Qf3 Rc2
35. Qh5+ Kg7
36. Nxf5+ Nxf5
37. Rxf5 Rxf5
38. Rxf5 Qg6
39. Qf3 Rc6
40. Rf4 h5
41. Qxd5 Kh6
42. Rf8 Qb1+
43. Kh2 Rg6
44. Rh8+ Kg5
45. Qf3 1-0

April 03 1932

1932, Cambridge Chess Congress Tournament

The Observer, London, Greater London, England, Sunday, April 03, 1932

(By Our Chess Correspondent.)

At the final round on Saturday of the premier tournament, played at the Guildhall, Cambridge, Sultan Khan, by defeating the Dutch International player, J. van den Bosch, won the first prize, and ended the week's tourney with one point lead. The game was admirably played by the Indian champion, who, in an Indian defence to the queen's, opened out from a rather cramped position with an unexpected advance of his queen's side pawns. His style lends itself to the unexpected, especially in pawn moves, and he soon took complete command of the board, and then won a rook and pawn, ending with accurate play.
P S. Milner Barry and C. H. O'D. Alexander had an old-time game, a variety of the king's gambit more popular thirty years ago than nowadays. It proved an exciting encounter, but gradually Alexander's counter-attack began to tell, and he won by a nice mating combination.
Miss Vera Menchik v. Sir G. A. Thomas opened queen's pawn, and was steadily played to a draw. F. D. Yates had a promising position against T. H. Tylor, who chose Philidor's defence when he made a slip which cost a rook and the game.
The final scores were Sultan Khan 5½, C. H. O'D. Alexander and J. H. van den Bosch 4½ each, Sir G. A. Thomas 3½, Miss Menchik, T. H. Tylor, and F. D Yates 3, P. S. Milner Barry 1.
In the seventh round of the Major A Tournament, G. Koltanowski beat R. Cross, H. Golombek beat W. J. Fry, L. C. G. Dewing beat P. Reid, J. J. O'Hanlon drew with A. J. Mackenzie. The result was a tie for first between H. Golombek, the Surrey champion, and G. Koltanowski (Antwerp) with 5½ each. R. Cross was third with 4½, and J. J. O'Hanlon and L. C. G. Dewing tied with 3½.
Major B Tournament was won by E. W. Carmichael with 6½. The second was a tie between E. M. Jellie and Mrs. Stevenson with 5 each.

July 17 1932

1932 British Chess Federation Counties and District Correspondence Championship

The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sunday, July 17, 1932

The following brilliant game was played in the British Chess Federation counties and district correspondence championship. The winner is Captain of his county team and was champion of his county last year.
The score and notes have been clipped from the London, England, Sunday Observer.

(a) This formation is the solid Berlin variation.
(b) A break-up, promising lively play.
(c) The usual line is QxP Castles, 12. BxPch K-R1, 13. Q-R8, Kt-Kt1, with advantage.
(d) Variations are: K-K, when White can play; Q-B7ch K-Q2, 14. QxB, with good chances; K-K3, 13. Q-N4ch and mates in two moves; K-N1 or 3, 13. Q-B7 ch K-R2, 14. R-B6 Kt-B4 (forced), 15. Q-Kt6ch K-N, 16. Q-B7ch and draws. Black is, of course, justified in trying for a win with the text.
(e) Best, to keep the KP for advance.
(f) Making room for his K, and preparing a reasonable line of development. He did not like 15. Q-R5ch, K-B, 16. P-B6 NxP, 17. P-K5; while 15. K-N1 would be something of a blockade.
(g) The first of some fine P moves.
(h) Very deep. If QxQP, 22. P-B6ch BxP; 23. B-B5ch K-K3 (NxB, 24. QxBch K-Q2, 25. QR-Q N-Q6, 26. RxN! or 23. K-B2. 24. N-N5ch and wins the Q) 24. QR-Q Q-B3, 25. Q-B5ch K-B2, 26. RxNch and wins. Or 22. NxP, 23. B-Nch K-B2, 24. Q-R5ch K-K3 (K-N), 25. NxNch BxN, 26. Q-N6ch etc.), 25. RxNch BxR, 26. Q-B5ch, etc.
(i) If NxQP, 25. P-B6ch BxP, 28. NxB NxN, 27. QxN. If QxP, 25. PxP QxN, 26. RxPch K-B, 27. QxQ NxQ, 28. RxN PxP, 29. BxP. White, for choice, with a free position and two united passed P's.
(j) Compare this and its sequel to moves 19 and 20.
(k) If PQ, 31. RxRch K-N2 (K-K2, 32. R-B7ch KxR, 33. P-Q mate), 32. RxR QxP, 33. R (R8)-QB8 Q-Q4, 34. R(B)-B7ch, and will win.
(1) Black has so far avoided every trap, and still plays to win.
(m) The obvious move, B-KN4, leads to 33. Q-K5! BxBch, 34. K-R R-R2 (forced; if Q-N2, 35. P-B6 Q-KB2, 36. R-B7 Q-K, 37. Q-K7 ch!), 35. Q-B6ch K-K, 36. Q-K6ch, and draws.
(n) I suggest B-N4, 34. Q-K5 K-K2 as a strong line.
(o) Threatening 36. Q-R7ch R-N2, 37. RxRch BxR, 38. P-B6 KxP, 39. B-Q4ch K-K3, 40. Q-N6ch, etc. There is no good defense.
(p) One of the most remarkable games I have ever seen. The variations are endless.

Charles William Fallows (white) vs. Philip Stuart Milner Barry (black)
King's Gambit Accepted: Hanstein Gambit

Charles W. Fallows vs. Philip Stuart Milner Barry, 1932

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. P-KB4 PxP
3. N-KB3 P-KN4
4. B-B4 B-N2
5. O-O P-Q3
6. P-Q4 P-KR3
7. P-B3 N-K2
8. P-KN3 P-N5
9. N-R4 P-B6
10. NxP PxN
11. BxPch KxB
12. QxPch B-B4
13. P-KN4 N-Q2
14. NPxB N-QB3
15. Q-R5ch K-K2
16. B-K3 Q-K
17. Q-B3 Q-B2
18. N-Q2 QR-K
19. P-K5 PxP
20. P-Q5 N-Q
21. N-K4 P-N3
22. P-B4 N-N2
23. QR-B N-B3
24. P-B5! K-B
25. P-N4 NxN
26. QxN B-B3
27. KR-Q R-Q
28. P-Q6 PxP
29. P-B6 P-Q4
30. PxN! QxP
31. Q-B3 P-K5
32. Q-B4! R-KNch
33. K-R R-Q2
34. QxPch K-B2
35. R-KN RxRch
36. RxR 1-0
1. e4 e5
2. f4 exf4
3. Nf3 g5
4. Bc4 Bg7
5. 0-0 d6
6. d4 h6
7. c3 Ne7
8. g3 g4
9. Nh4 f3
10. Nxf3 gxf3
11. Bxf7+ Kxf7
12. Qxf3+ Bf5
13. g4 Nd7
14. gxf5 Nc6
15. Qh5+ Ke7
16. Be3 Qe8
17. Qf3 Qf7
18. Nd2 Re8
19. e5 dxe5
20. d5 Nd8
21. Ne4 b6
22. c4 Nb7
23. Rc1 Nf6
24. c5! Kf8
25. b4 Nxe4
26. Qxe4 Bf6
27. Rd1 Rd8
28. d6 cxd6
29. c6 d5
30. cxb7! Qxb7
31. Qf3 e4
32. Qf4! Rg8+
33. Kh1 Rd7
34. Qxh6+ Kf7
35. Rg1 Rxg1+
36. Rxg1 1-0

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Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks