January 04 1934
Played between Charles Zimmerman, Brooklyn College, and Morton Hamermesh, City College, in the tournament of the Intercollegiate Chess League.
Charles Zimmerman (white) vs. Morton Hamermesh (black)
French Defense: Advance Variation, Nimzowitsch Gambit
January 11 1934
Fine Close to Title
With two more rounds remaining to be contested, Reuben Fine, club champion, continues in the lead, still undefeated, in the annual tournament for the championship of the Marshall Chess Club. He was paired against Morton Hamermesh of the C. C. N. Y. varsity team in the ninth round. Hamermesh was in good form and succeeded in holding his own, the game being drawn.
July 19 1934
Hamermesh, Bonholz Score
Morton Hamermesh and Robert L. Bornholz, scoring 9-2 apiece, shared first and second prizes in the weekly rapid transit tournament at the Marshall Chess Club. Irving Chernev, 8-3, was third. E. T. McCormick and Edward Price, 7-4, tied for fourth place.
December 27 1934
New York University finishes a good third with a record of five matches won and two lost. Yeshiva, Brooklyn and Seth Low are neck and neck for fourth place, with Pennsylvania still to be heard from after the results of the adjourned games are known.
The best individual records so far have been made by Lawrence Greene, No. 2 of Columbia, with 7-0, and Hamermesh, No. 1 of City College, 6-0. Other good first-board figures are those of MacMurray, 5-1, and Harold Sussman, Brooklyn College, 5-2. At the third board the best work has been done by David Bernstein, Columbia's captain, 5½-1½, and Sidney Pearl, City College, 5-1. Both are residents of Brooklyn. Alfred Friedman of New York University is sure of one of the Phillips medals for his score of 6-1.
December 28 1934
City College, Columbia in Chess Playoff
Repeat Performance of Last Year by Ending Tournament in a Tie
After a day of ups and downs, City College and Columbia chess players, again rivals for the Harold M. Phillips trophy, emblematic of the championship of the Intercollegiate Chess League, of which the donor is president, repeated their performance of last year by winding up the annual tournament at the Manhattan Chess Club in a tie.
As was the case on the last occasion, these two strong teams must play off for the title and trophy, which is still in the possession of the C. C. N. Y. Chess Club. Both teams won five matches and tied two for team totals of 217 each. They could not very well have been better matched.
Real Setback
City College experienced the first real setback in the match with Pennsylvania when the adjourned game from the fifth round between S. Pearl and C. Mott was won by the latter for the Quaker team. This brought about a 2-2 tie and offset Columbia's earlier tie with Brooklyn College. It was then up to Donald MacMurray of Columbia to draw his adjourned game with Morton Hamermesh of City College.
No. l in the Blue and White line up had confidently predicted Wednesday night that his opponent could not possibly win, but he was due for a sad awakening. However, it required most skillful tactics on the part of Hamermesh to bring about the undoing of the youthful freshman from Morningside Heights to save his side from defeat and tie the score. An effort will be made to play the supplementary match for the championship before the New Year.