July 07 1942
The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 07, 1942
Atlanta July 6 —(AP)— Sergeant Joseph Balint of New York, won the 21st annual Southern Chess Association tournament today.
Balint, former Panama Canal Zone champion succeeded to the title won by Russell Chauvenet of Esmont, Va., who placed third this year W. N. Woodbury of Birmingham a former champion, won second place.
Finishing in order behind the top three were Paul Cromelin of Savannah, Nestor Hernandez of Tampa, Ed Woody of Atlanta, Jack Palmer of Norfolk, Martin Southern of Knoxville and A. T. Henderson of Lynchburg, Va.
Alfred Barnard of Atlanta won the Class A crown with Elijah Brown and M. H. Tavis, both of Atlanta, next in that order.
Henderson was elected president of the association succeeding Woodbury and Woody was named secretary and treasurer. Hernandez and Davis were chosen vice-presidents.