January 09 1936
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, Thursday, January 09, 1936
Another ex-champion will make his entry into the Port of New York tonight, when the French Liner, Ile de France, delayed by heavy weather, reaches her pier. After an absence of just a year, Jose R. Capablanca will step ashore to renew old acquaintanceships, en route to home in Havana. It is understood that he will tarry long enough to give exhibitions of his skill, if club managers are awake to their opportunities and get in touch with him promptly.
April 15 1936
The 1936 Margate International commenced play on April 15th, featuring José Raul Capablanca taking on Philip Stuart Milner-Barry in the opening match. Ultimately Salo Flohr won the tournament with the former world champion placing second.