Throughout the 1920s, Isaac Kashdan remains a regular contributor of constructive criticism to Howard L. Dolde's weekly 2-3 mover chess problems. In the May 01, 1927, Howard Dolde refers to Isaac Kashdan as one of his “favorite solvers”.
Frank Janet Defines Terms.
Members of the Chess Club International of Manhattan enjoyed a real treat Saturday night when they listened attentively to an hour's address by Frank Janet of Mount Vernon, famous problem authority, who, in the circles of the Good Companion Chess Problem Club, of which he is a vice president, is known as the “Construction Chief.” His subject was “Problem Lingo,” with which very few in the International problem fraternity are quite so familiar as he. Mr. Janet accompanied his hearers through nearly the entire range of technical terms and themes, of which a host has sprung up during the last few years and for not a few of which the sage of Mount Vernon himself is responsible. With the help of a large wall board Mr. Janet was able to illustrate his talk entertainingly and to cite practical illustrations of most of the important themes.
After the lecture, Albert B. Hodges, president of the club, conducted a solving tourney in which over 20 took part. Three problems in two moves were submitted to each contestant. First prize was won by William Wolfman of Brooklyn, former president of the Boys High School Chess Club. I. Kashdan of Manhattan captured the second prize.