February 26 1923
City College Chess Team In Tie With Brooklyn
The Brooklyn Chess Club narrowly escaped defeat in the Metropolitan Chess League match at the hands of City College in the fourth round Saturday night. The college lads, several of whom are Brooklynites themselves, lost at board No. 1, but made clean sweep at the next four tables. Harold Grossman, Benjamin Buss and Erling Tholfsen, all Brooklyn boys, and I. Kashdan were the winners for City college. On the other hand. F. J. Le Count, W. M. de Visser (president of the league), P. Zatulove and M. Peckar scored in behalf of the local club.
In the fourth round the Internationals, led by Copt. J. L. McCudden of Brooklyn, administered a telling defeat to the Swedish Chess Club by 7-1, without losing a game. Columbia University bumbled Slaten Island to the tune of 6½-1½, Orrin Frink Jr. of Flatbush again winning his game for the Blue and White. The champion team of the Marshall Chess Club made it four straight by defeating Newark, 5½-2½.
The Rice-Progressive Chess Club had no trouble with the New York University team, winning by 6-1, with one game unfinished. In this game, Robert L. Bornholz of Brooklyn, who defeated Marshall last week, was paired against Jacob Bernstein, the New York state champion. At adjournment, the position was fairly even.
May 21 1923
May 21, 1923. Howell Wins 16 Games At Simultaneous Chess. The drawn games stood to the credit of S. Raunheim, High School of Commerce, winner of the league championship this year; Louis W. Jennings, president of the club and I. Kashdan.
Pittsburgh Daily Post, Chess by Howard L. Dolde, July 22, 1923, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Problem 399 Composed for the...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, August 8, 2022
Problem 399
Composed for the Pittsburgh Post by I. Kashdan, New York.
White mates in three moves.
FEN Q7/4p3/1p3R2/1P1Bk3/3N3P/2p5/2K5/8 w - - 0 1
Solution: 1. Bf3 Kxd4 2. Qc6 exf6 3. Qxc3#
December 23 1923
December 23, 1923. College Chess Leagues Play Here This Week. City College will endeavor to defend the title and once more will place a powerful team in the field, headed by A. E. Santasiere and E. Tholfsen, with A. Pinkus and I. Kashdan most likely filling the other two boards.