May 16 1936
U.S. Chess Championship, Final Round, Hotel Astor, New York, May 16, 1936. Players and officials at the biennial U.S. Championship Tournament. At left center, Marshall hands the Frank J. Marshall Trophy, emblem of the title, to Samuel Reshevsky, winner of the tournament and the new champion. Seated, left to right, are tournament officials Hermann Helms, L. Walter Stephens, Harold M. Phillips, Fritz Brieger and Theodore S. Barron. Standing behind officials, left to right, are Sidney Bernstein, Samuel D. Factor, Milton Hanauer, F. J. Marshall, G. N. Treysman, Samuel Reshevsky, I. A. Horowitz (rear), Alexander Kevitz, Isaac Kashdan, Arthur W. Dake (rear), Abraham Kupchik. Standing at the top of picture, l. to r., are Reuben Fine, Arnold S. Denker, Albert C. Simonson and Herman Steiner. Reshevsky won the subsequent tournaments in 1938, 1940 and 1942.