January 20 1956
Times Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Friday, January 20, 1956
World Champion In Hour of Triumph — Samuel Reshevsky, centre, ranking North American chess master, receives congratulations from Russia's Bulganin, left, and Khrushchev after defeating world champion Mikhail Botvinnik last year in a U.S.-Russian team match. (Photo by Sports Illustrated)
40-Game Chess Match Tickets Will Go On Sale Here Monday — Spectator tickets for a 40-board simultaneous chess exhibition match by Samuel Reshevsky in Central Junior High School auditorium Feb. 14 will go on sale Monday.
Tickets, priced at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for students, may be obtained at the Victoria Times, 2631 Douglas, the downtown Times office and from Victoria Chess Club members.
The Times and Victoria Chess Club are co-sponsoring Reshevsky's visit. Reshevsky is the ranking North American chess master and one of the best chess players in the world. He defeated world champion Mikhail Botvinnik of Russia last year in a U.S.-Russia team match.
Dr. Simon Marinker, president of the chess club, reports that response to Reshevsky's impending visit has been highly enthusiastic. The chess club has been swamped by entries from players for positions at the 40 boards to oppose Reshevsky. Names of the 40 players chosen will be known next week.
A.G. Moody has been appointed director of the tournament by the club, and will officiate at the matches. Play will start at 8 p.m. and continue until 11.
Spectators and players are asked to be in the auditorium by 7:45.