September 14 1911
September 14, 1911. Pretty Fight Is Being Made. Horner and Barnhardt Battling for First Honors in Chess Tourney. Jewel Is Close Behind. … The contestants stand as follows: B. C. Jenkines, Logansport 8 won, 2 lost.
September 21 1911
September 21, 1911. Barnhardt Is New Champion. An Indianapolis Man Won State Chess Championship at Local Tourney. … The prize for the most brilliant playing was awarded to B. C. Jenkines, of Logansport, this prize being a miniature chess table and set of men.
September 24 1911
The Indiana State Chess association held its championship tournament at Columbus on Sept. 12, 13 and 14.
B. C. Jenkines was elected president of the association.
One of the games with a termination of pretty surprises was as follows:
O. K. Horner (white) vs. B. C. Jenkines (black)
Scandinavian Defense: Main Line