February 04 1925
Elks Planning Chess Tourney at Rooms 04 Feb 1925, Wed Logansport Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, Indiana) Newspapers.comELKS PLANNING CHESS TOURNEY AT ROOMS
More laurels were garnered by Delbert Brown, the Logansport checker champion, when he defeated nine of his twelve opponents and tied the other three contenders in the second tournament held at the Elks club last night. Mr. Dawgett, the state champ, failed to show up.
Players who were able to tie Brown last night were Fred Tam, of Pulaski; Milton Sparks of Idaville; Frank Wall, city. Brown played his twelve opponents simultaneously. Another checker tourney is to be arranged at later date by U. S. Hauck, chairman, while upon this occasion B. C. Jenkines will also make his debut when he will meet all comers at chess.
August 19 1925
Invite Jenkines To Chess Tourney 19 Aug 1925, Wed Logansport Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, Indiana) Newspapers.comINVITE JENKINES TO CHESS TOURNEY
B. C. Jenkines, local attorney and chess player, has been honored by receiving an invitation to enter the national chess tournament to be held at Cedar Point, Ohio, August 26 to Sept. 5. The affair is being sponsored by the Western Chess Association of Detroit. Entrants are limited and made only upon invitation from the association. Five prizes are offered, the first being for $150.
Jenkines entered the tournament at Detroit last year for his first appearance in a national contest and placed seventh in a field of eighteen starters. He has not fully decided but hopes to be able to accept the invitation this year again.