May 22 1928
Amount Raised Increases to $45,000 as Eighteen Give Subscriptions
Eighteen additional gifts for the medical school which is to be opened at the University of Southern California were reported at a meeting yesterday afternoon presided over by Dr. W. W. Beckett. These gifts were made by Drs. Maurice M. Armstrong. Samuel Ayres. Jr., William Barnhart, John V. Barrow, Katherine M. Close, Richard Flamson, Mary E. Hagadorn, Simon Jesberg, Hugo Kiefer, Earl T. McCoy.
Also, J. W. McKellar, I. Leon Meyers, Moses Scholtz, Donald W. Skeel, Packard S. Thurber, Harold Van Metre, J. W. Wilson and the medical educational committee or the Los Angeles County Medical Society contributed.
The total raised by the alumni group under Dr. Beckett and the non-alumni group under Dr. W. A. Morrison is now $45,000. The university has set aside $500,000 for the school and by resolution of the trustees will admit the freshmen medical class next fall. Premedical work has been given for a number of years.