January 20 1929
Many of the chess players of Cincinnati will recall Dr. Moses Scholtz, a former resident, regarded as one of the best of local amateurs. Dr. Scholtz is now living in Los Angeles. Calif. That the physician still continues active in the pursuit of Caissa's charms and retains his ability to hold his own with the best players of the Golden West is evidenced by the score of the following game recently contested in the major championship tournament of the Los Angeles Club:
Moses Scholtz (white) vs. Albert H. Bierwirth (black)
Sicilian Defense: Kan Variation, Knight Variation
(a) Castles (QR), for which he had been working so long, was necessary.
(b) R-KB would have prolonged the game.
October 03 1929
“I hate to see a baby with eczema come to my clinic. It's the most ornery thing we have treat! Some cases will seem to respond to changes in the diet, others to external medication, and others fail to be relieved in any case. If the eczema does clear up, we don't know whether the treatment we used had any bearing or not, for it seems to clear up at times of itself.”
This is what a New York children's specialist said to me recently.
So don't be surprised, Mrs. K., that the doctors you have seen failed you. However, you mustn't be discouraged, either, for not all doctors are so pessimistic as the ones you have seen and the one I quoted. In fact, Dr. Moses Scholtz, a skin specialist, says that eczema can be cured, and that the reason more of the doctors do not cure it is that they do not realize that the causes may be both external and internal and the treatment must take this into consideration.
October 06 1929
The eighth annual State championship tourney was concluded last Sunday at the local clubrooms, first prize going to Adolph J. Fink of San Francisco. It was his third success in winning the title. Second and third prizes were divided between Harry Borochow and Dr. Moses Scholtz, both of Los Angeles.
Nine rounds were played eight days, necessitating a double round one day on Saturday, when Dr. Scholtz celebrated by beating both the leaders Fink and Borochow.