Dr. Moses Scholtz, estimated 1932.
January 03 1932
The Chess and Checker Club in the Southwest Building held its annual meeting a week ago Saturday and named these officers for 1932: President, Dr. Moses Scholtz; vice-president, Alfred N. Pray; secretary, George W. Chase; treasurer, Thomas Word; directors, Carl Pauly, F. W. Matthay, W. T. Pinney, Andrew Wallace, 84 years of age this week, retired as treasurer after having served fifteen consecutive years.
June 27 1932
City's Chess Team Victor
Beat Long Beach During Morphy Carnival
The Morphy Day Chess Carnival was held Saturday at the Sierra Madre Masonic Temple, with Le Vieve M. Hines of Pasadena, western woman chess champion, in an eight board simultaneous display, winning seven matches and losing one.
Pasadena Team Wins
In the team match, Pasadena beat Long Beach, 9½ to 2½. Alexander Taylor was Pasadena captain. The rapid transit elimination contest was won by Sidney Weinbaum of Pasadena. He was awarded the Charles Broughton prize.
Irving Spero, Ohio champion, won the blindfold match. Richard Lyons, Southern California champion, was the victor in the evening simultaneous play and the second simultaneous evening play was won by Dr. Moses Scholtz, Los Angeles champion. Mr. Spero, Mr. Lyon and Miss Hines played exhibition matches, including simultaneous, rapid transit, blindfold and “Kriegspiel.”
300 Attend
The carnival Saturday was the third annual affair sponsored by the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce and was attended by more than 300 persons from thirty-eight California cities.
July 03 1932
Dr. Moses Scholtz, a former star in Cincinnati chess circles, continues his “winning way” out in California, the state where the American premier chess event for 1932 will be staged in August. Dr. Scholtz is now a resident of Los Angeles and is recognized as one of the “upper flight” California players. The doctor is President of the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club and is also the Los Angeles chess champion. He was recently the recipient of a medal for his fine victory in the Los Angeles city tourney. The appended score of a game played by Dr. Scholtz against Carl Bergman, at the San Luis Obispo meet, with notes by the doctor, has been culled from the Chess Reporter:
Moses Scholtz (white) vs. Carl Bergman (black)
French Defense: Classical Variation, Steinitz Variation
(a) A foolhardy attempt to start an attack on the Kings' Side which costs the exchange.
(b) Not the best—it gives to White a chance to free the game and keeps Black Queen out of play.
(c) PxP is better as N cannot take B.
(d) While black does not see his way to victory White becomes aggressive.
(e) At this time White offered a draw-but it was refused by Black.
(f) Taking an advantage of the control of the Black Squares by his Bishop. White suddenly conceives an attack which proves fatal for Black.
(g) Under stress of the excitement white overlooks a speedy mate 50. Q-Q6ch, K-B4. (If 50. K-B2. 51. Q-K7ch, K-N; 52. Q-B8 mate). 51. QxPch K-B5, 52. Q-K4 ch. K-N4, 53. Q-N4ch K-R3, 54. B-B8 mate.
(h) At this time game was called for adjudication.
(i) The only move to stop Mate Q-R6.
(j) The last gasp—Black Queen-check leads to a forced exchange, and a pawn Queens. If Queen to N5, pawn moves to Queen!
September 11 1932
Dr. Alexander Alekhine, world chess champion, and winner of the recent international tournament at Pasadena, faced twenty-six opponents in a simultaneous exhibition at the Los Angeles Athletic club. He defeated twenty, drew four and lost to Dr. Moses Scholtz and J. MacBride.