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December 18 1891
Cambridge Chronicle and University Journal, Isle of Ely Herald and Huntingdonshire Gazette, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, Friday, December 18, 1891
On Monday Mr. J. H. Blackburne, the celebrated chess-player, gave one of his remarkable exhibitions of blindfold chess at the Cambridge Club. Arrangements had been made by the Chess Club for eight of their members to play simultaneous games with Mr. Blackburne, without Mr. Blackburne seeing either of the boards. The large room at the Club was set apart for the purpose, and Messrs. Lilley and Co. erected a long table down the centre of the roam, railed off from the remainder of the apartment for the eight players, whilst Mr. Blackburne occupied a seat at the far end with his back to his opponents. In accordance with custom Mr. Blackburne assumed the attack with the white pieces, and at about a quarter to seven commenced by announcing that he played P to K4 on each of the boards. Mr. J. H. Bullock acted as caller of the moves. The play lasted until 12.30—fire hours and three-quarters--and Mr. Blackburne in that time made a total of 219 moves. This is by no means rapid play, but it must be remembered that he had eight of the strongest players of the Club against him. Mr. Bollock's task was by no means a sinecure, but his skill at the game rendered him admirably adapted for the work he had to perform, and the clearness with which he named the moves added not a little to the success of the evening. It was not until 11.7 that a game was brought to a conclusion, the first to give in to Mr. Blackburne being Mr. H. Bell, one of the best players of the Club, who was mated on his 25th move. At move 22 he played K to KN2. Mr. Blackburne replied with Q to B7ch., without loss of time. Mr. Bell played K to R3, when Mr. Blackburne called B to B5. The reply to this was N to K2, when Mr. Blackburne at once took P with Q giving check, and then quickly calling the move his opponent most make—K to R4—called Q takes P and the game collapsed. At 11.25 Mr. Finn, who had been playing an excellent game, resigned, having nothing left to combine with his Queen against the attacking forces. At 12 o'clock Mr. R. Whitaker's game was drawn after his 22nd move, and this was at once followed by Messrs. E. H. Church and W. Wilson resigning. Mr. A. A. Welker soon after resigned leaving only two in the field, Messrs. Thomas and Rose. Some time before this Mr. Thomas had been in a critical position but escaped, though he eventually resigned at about 12.25, leaving Mr. Rose to finish. Mr. Rose is a new member of the Club, but a very clever player and to him was reserved the honour of inflicting a defeat upon Mr. Blackburne, upon a keenly contested Evans Gambit. Mr. Blackburne had overlooked the strength of Mr. Rose's position with his two Rooks, Queen and Pawns, and was unable to bring his own Queen into play and at Mr. Rose's 32nd move P to B3 giving check, he was declared the winner of the game amidst loud applause and hearty congratulations, in which Mr. Blackburne freely joined. Votes of thanks to Mr. Blackburne for his wonderful exhibition and to Mr. Bullock for his assistance brought the proceedings to a close. The attendance was numerous but not so large as we should have liked to see, but this was in a great measure due to the fact that most of the members of the University had gone down. We append the games:—
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. E. H. Church (black)
Vienna Game: Omaha Gambit

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. QN-B3 P-Q3
3. P-B4 B-K2
4. N-B3 B-N5
5. B-B4 KN-KB3
6. PxP QPxP
7. BxPch K-B
8. B-N3 QN-B3
9. P-Q3 KB-B4
10. B-N5 N-Q5
11. NxN QxN
12. Q-Q2 P-KR3
13. BxN PxB
14. P-KR3 B-R4
15. P-N4 B-B2
16. O-O-O BxB
17. RPxB P-B3
18. QR-B K-K2
19. R-B3 B-N5
20. KR-B BxN
21. PxB Q-Q3
22. RxP QxR
23. RxQ KxR
24. Q-B2ch K-K2
25. Q-KB5 QR-K
26. QxPch K-Q2
27. Q-B5ch K-B2
28. P-Q4 K-N
29. Q-B4ch K-R
30. P-K5 QR-KB
31. Q-K3 QR-B2
32. K-N2 1-0 |
1. e4 e5
2. Nc3 d6
3. f4 Be7
4. Nf3 Bg4
5. Bc4 Nf6
6. fxe5 dxe5
7. Bxf7+ Kf8
8. Bb3 Nc6
9. d3 Bc5
10. Bg5 Nd4
11. Nxd4 Qxd4
12. Qd2 h6
13. Bxf6 gxf6
14. h3 Bh5
15. g4 Bf7
16. 0-0-0 Bxb3
17. axb3 c6
18. Rf1 Ke7
19. Rf3 Bb4
20. Rf1 Bxc3
21. bxc3 Qd6
22. Rxf6 Qxf6
23. Rxf6 Kxf6
24. Qf2+ Ke7
25. Qf5 Re8
26. Qxe5+ Kd7
27. Qf5+ Kc7
28. d4 Kb8
29. Qf4+ Ka8
30. e5 Rhf8
31. Qe3 Rf7
32. Kb2 1-0 |
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. W. Wilson (black)
Scandinavian Defense: Main Line

1. P-K4 P-Q4
2. PxP QxP
3. QN-B3 Q-QR4
4. N-B3 P-QB3
5. P-Q4 B-KB4
6. B-Q3 P-K3
7. O-O BxB
8. QxB B-K2
9. N-K4 P-KR3
10. B-B4 Q-Q
11. P-B4 N-R3
12. Q-N3 Q-B
13. P-B5 P-QN4
14. N-Q6ch BxN
15. BxB Q-N2
16. KR-K N-B2
17. N-K5 N-KB3
18. P-B4 KN-Q4
19. P-B5 P-KR4
20. P-QR4 P-QN5
21. Q-N3 KR-N
22. Q-N5 N-KB3
23. NxP 1-0 |
1. e4 d5
2. exd5 Qxd5
3. Nc3 Qa5
4. Nf3 c6
5. d4 Bf5
6. Bd3 e6
7. 0-0 Bxd3
8. Qxd3 Be7
9. Ne4 h6
10. Bf4 Qd8
11. c4 Na6
12. Qb3 Qc8
13. c5 b5
14. Nd6+ Bxd6
15. Bxd6 Qb7
16. Re1 Nc7
17. Ne5 Nf6
18. f4 Nd5
19. f5 h5
20. a4 b4
21. Qg3 Rg8
22. Qg5 Nf6
23. Nxf7 1-0 |
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. H. Finn (black)
French Defense: Classical Variation, Delayed Exchange Variation

1. P-K4 P-K3
2. P-Q4 P-Q4
3. QN-B3 KN-B3
4. PxP NxP(a)
5. N-B3 QN-B3
6. B-K2 KB-QN5
7. B-Q2 O-O
8. N-K4 KR-K
9. P-B3 B-QR4
10. Q-B2 P-KR3
11. O-O P-K4
12. PxP QNxP
13. NxN RxN
14. P-KB4 B-N3ch
15. K-R R-K
16. N-N3 B-K6
17. QR-Q Q-KR5
18. B-B3 NxKBP
19. KR-K B-KN5
20. RxB RxR
21. BxR BxB
22. PxB N-K3
23. R-KN N-N4
24. BxN QxB
25. N-B5 Q-B3
26. RxPch QxR
27. NxQ 1-0 |
1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. Nc3 Nf6
4. exd5 Nxd5
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Be2 Bb4
7. Bd2 0-0
8. Ne4 Re8
9. c3 Ba5
10. Qc2 h6
11. 0-0 e5
12. dxe5 Nxe5
13. Nxe5 Rxe5
14. f4 Bb6+
15. Kh1 Re8
16. Ng3 Be3
17. Rd1 Qh4
18. Bf3 Nxf4
19. Re1 Bg4
20. Rxe3 Rxe3
21. Bxe3 Bxf3
22. gxf3 Ne6
23. Rg1 Ng5
24. Bxg5 Qxg5
25. Nf5 Qf6
26. Rxg7+ Qxg7
27. Nxg7 1-0 |
(a) The correct move is P takes P.
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. W. Rose (black)
Italian Game: Evans Gambit

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. KN-B3 QN-B3
3. B-QB4 B-QB4
4. P-QN4 BxP
5. P-QB3 B-QR4
6. P-Q4 KPxP
7. O-O P-Q3
8. PxP B-QN3
9. N-QB3 B-KN5
10. B-QN5 BxN
11. PxB Q-B3
12. B-K3 O-O-O
13. BxN PxB
14. P-QR4 P-QR4
15. QR-QB N-K2
16. P-Q5 BxB
17. PxB PxP
18. NxP Q-KN4ch
19. K-R NxN
20. PxN QxKP
21. Q-QB2 QR-Q2
22. Q-B6 Q-QR2
23. QR-QN KR-K
24. QR-N3 QR-K2
25. K-N2 QR-K7ch
26. K-R3 KR-K4
27. KR-QN KR-R4ch
28. K-N4 Q-Q5ch
29. P-B4 QR-N7
30. KxKR P-N3ch
31. K-R6 RxPch
32. K-N5 P-B3ch
33. K-N4 0-1 |
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Bc5
4. b4 Bxb4
5. c3 Ba5
6. d4 exd4
7. 0-0 d6
8. cxd4 Bb6
9. Nc3 Bg4
10. Bb5 Bxf3
11. gxf3 Qf6
12. Be3 0-0-0
13. Bxc6 bxc6
14. a4 a5
15. Rc1 Ne7
16. d5 Bxe3
17. fxe3 cxd5
18. Nxd5 Qg5+
19. Kh1 Nxd5
20. exd5 Qxe3
21. Qc2 Rd7
22. Qc6 Qa7
23. Rb1 Re8
24. Rb3 Re7
25. Kg2 Re2+
26. Kh3 R8e5
27. Rbb1 Rh5+
28. Kg4 Qd4+
29. f4 Rb2
30. Kxh5 g6+
31. Kh6 Rxh2+
32. Kg5 f6+
33. Kg4 0-1 |
(a) The proper move was:
29. … R-KR5ch
30. KxR(b) QxPch and mates in two moves
(b) If 30 to N5 30 Queen mates.
(c) White's move, as Black did not see (a) was
30. R-KN2 30 as 29 (a being still open), or
30. B-P checks.
31. KxR RxPch
32. K-N5 Qmates
As far as the 8th move of black this game was playing strictly in accordance with the best authorities.
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. W. R. Thomas (black)
Danish Gambit

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. P-Q4 PxP
3. P-QB3 PxP
4. KB-QB4 P-Q3(a)
5. Q-N3 Q-KB3
6. NxP P-QB3
7. KN-B3 P-KR3
8. O-O P-QN4
9. NxP QN-R3
10. BxPch(b) QxB
11. QxQch KxQ
12. N-Q4 B-N2
13. P-K5 P-QB4
14. P-K6ch K-N3
15. N-R4ch K-B3
16. N-QN5 P-N4
17. N-KB3 BxN
18. PxB KxP
19. B-Q2 KN-B3
20. B-B3 B-K2
21. QR-Q KR-KB
22. KR-Kch K-Q2
23. B-K5 K-B3
24. NxQP BxN
25. RxBch K-N2
26. BxN QR-K
27. R-Q7ch K-B3
28. RxR RxR
29. RxP K-N3
30. R-KR7 1-0 |
1. e4 e5
2. d4 exd4
3. c3 dxc3
4. Bc4 d6
5. Qb3 Qf6
6. Nxc3 c6
7. Nf3 h6
8. 0-0 b5
9. Nxb5 Na6
10. Bxf7+ Qxf7
11. Qxf7+ Kxf7
12. Nbd4 Bb7
13. e5 c5
14. e6+ Kg6
15. Nh4+ Kf6
16. Nb5 g5
17. Nf3 Bxf3
18. gxf3 Kxe6
19. Bd2 Nf6
20. Bc3 Be7
21. Rd1 Rhf8
22. Rfe1+ Kd7
23. Be5 Kc6
24. Nxd6 Bxd6
25. Rxd6+ Kb7
26. Bxf6 Re8
27. Rd7+ Kc6
28. Rxe8 Rxe8
29. Rxa7 Kb6
30. Rh7 1-0 |
(a) It was remarkable that so many of the competitors made this move, which is weak and hampers the movements of the bishop.
(b) Mr. Blackburne made a mistake here, but for which he would have won the game at an early period.
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. H. Bell (black)
King's Gambit

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. P-KB4 P-Q3(a)
3. KN-B3 QB-KN5
4. B-B4 KPxP
5. P-Q4 Q-B3
6. O-O P-KN4
7. N-B3 P-QB3
8. P-K5 Q-KB4
9. B-Q3 Q-Q2
10. N-K4 P-KR3
11. Q-K B-K2
12. PxP B-K3
13. PxB QxP
14. B-Q2 P-QN3
15. B-N4 Q-B2
16. B-Q6 Q-Q
17. B-K5 P-B3
18. BxN RxB
19. QNxNP RPxN
20. QxBch K-B
21. QR-K QR-B
22. B-N6 K-KN2
23. Q-B7ch K-R3
24. B-B5 N-K2
25. QxPch K-R4
26. QxPmate |
1. e4 e5
2. f4 d6
3. Nf3 Bg4
4. Bc4 exf4
5. d4 Qf6
6. 0-0 g5
7. Nc3 c6
8. e5 Qf5
9. Bd3 Qd7
10. Ne4 h6
11. Qe1 Be7
12. exd6 Be6
13. dxe7 Qxe7
14. Bd2 b6
15. Bb4 Qc7
16. Bd6 Qd8
17. Be5 f6
18. Bxb8 Rxb8
19. Nexg5 hxg5
20. Qxe6+ Kf8
21. Rfe1 Rc8
22. Bg6 Kg7
23. Qf7+ Kh6
24. Bf5 Ne7
25. Qxf6+ Kh5
26. Qxg5# |
(a) The correct move is P takes P. The same remark applies to the 3rd move in game 7.
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. A. A. Walker (black)
Scotch Game

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. KN-B3 QN-B3
3. P-Q4 P-Q3
4. B-QN5 QB-Q2
5. PxP PxP
6. O-O KN-B3
7. P-KR3 P-QR3
8. BxN BxB
9. QxQch RxQ
10. B-N5 B-K2
11. N-B3 O-O
12. NxP QR-K
13. NxB PxN
14. QR-Q N-R4
15. B-K3 B-QN5
16. R-Q4 BxN
17. PxB R-K3
18. P-N4 N-B3
19. P-B3 N-Q4
20. R-Q3 KR-K
21. KR-Q NxB
22. RxN R-N3
23. QR-Q3 P-KR3
24. R-Q8 RxR
25. RxRch K-R2
26. R-Q7 1-0 |
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 d6
4. Bb5 Bd7
5. dxe5 dxe5
6. 0-0 Nf6
7. h3 a6
8. Bxc6 Bxc6
9. Qxd8+ Rxd8
10. Bg5 Be7
11. Nc3 0-0
12. Nxe5 Re8
13. Nxc6 bxc6
14. Rd1 Nh5
15. Be3 Bb4
16. Rd4 Bxc3
17. bxc3 Re6
18. g4 Nf6
19. f3 Nd5
20. Rd3 Rfe8
21. Rd1 Nxe3
22. Rxe3 Rg6
23. Red3 h6
24. Rd8 Rxd8
25. Rxd8+ Kh7
26. Rd7 1-0 |
Joseph Henry Blackburne (white) vs. R. Whitaker (black)
Center Game: Paulsen Attack Variation

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. P-Q4 PxP
3. QxP QN-B3
4. Q-K3 B-K2(a)
5. QN-B3 N-N5
6. B-Q3 P-QN3
7. N-B3 QB-R3
8. Q-K2 B-N2
9. O-O P-QR3
10. P-QR3 NxB
11. PxN P-Q3
12. N-Q4 B-KB3
13. N-B5 N-K2
14. NxN QxN
15. B-K3 O-O
16. QR-B P-QN4
17. P-B3 P-QB4
18. N-Q KR-K
19. Q-Q2 P-KR3
20. R-K B-KR5
21. B-B2 B-B3
22. N-K3 B-N4
1/2-1/2 |
1. e4 e5
2. d4 exd4
3. Qxd4 Nc6
4. Qe3 Be7
5. Nc3 Nb4
6. Bd3 b6
7. Nf3 Ba6
8. Qe2 Bb7
9. 0-0 a6
10. a3 Nxd3
11. cxd3 d6
12. Nd4 Bf6
13. Nf5 Ne7
14. Nxe7 Qxe7
15. Be3 0-0
16. Rc1 b5
17. f3 c5
18. Nd1 Re8
19. Qd2 h6
20. Re1 Bh4
21. Bf2 Bf6
22. Ne3 Bg5
1/2-1/2 |
(a) We fail to see any advantage in this move; had the Bishop been moved farther he might have been able to do some damage.
On Tuesday evening, Mr. Blackburne again visited the Club, and played 14 games, 13 of which he won and one was drawn.