February 01 1938
Roger B. Baxter held a slight lead over his opponents yesterday at the halfway point in the Southern Ohio Chess Championship Tournament. Dr. P. G. Keeney is a half game behind Baxter. Winner of the tournament will play the winner from the Northern Ohio district.
February 22 1938
Roger B. Baxter, new chess champion of Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky, will play for the Ohio championship, it was announced yesterday. It is expected that the title match will take place at the Cincinnati Chess Club, Mercantile Library Building, in early March. Because of a defeat by Baxter in the annual tournament sponsored by the Ohio Valley Chess Federation, Dr. P. G. Keeney, present Ohio champion, will not be eligible for play in the state championship affair. Baxter's victory earned him possession of the Dr. H. H. Slutz Chess Championship Trophy.
March 12 1938
March 12, 1938. “I Must Have Lost My Head.”
“I was nervous after working on this case,” he said, referring to the case tried Friday. “I'm sorry this thing happened. I must have lost my head.”
The verdict which angered Keeney was given Friday night in the suit by the estates of four Kentucky men to recover damages from the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Louisville & Nashville railroads for a fatal auto accident several years ago.
The four men were killed when their car plunged from the Central Bridge in Newport. A previous trial had resulted in verdicts totaling $47,500 for the plaintiffs. The railroads appealed the verdicts and a new trial was granted.
March 15 1938
Accusations Made by Caldwell; Defendant Arrested and Released on Bond
Arrested late yesterday on an assault and battery charge preferred by Circuit Judge A. M. Caldwell, Clarke E. Keeney, attorney who is alleged to have attacked the jurist in his home early Saturday, will be given a preliminary hearing Thursday at 10 a.m. before County Judge Odis W. Bertelsman.
Mr. Keeney was arrested at the home of his father Dr. P. G. Keeney, 107 Bonnie Leslie avenue, South Bellevue, by Chief Len Plummer and Oscar Wells, county patrolman. He was released later under a $1000 bond. He gave his age as 32 and his residence as 25 E. Third street, Newport.
Judge Caldwell has adjourned all activities in his court for one week upon advice of his physician. The judge sustained face bruises and injuries to his side as the result of the attack. He was examined yesterday by his physician as it was believed he had sustained a fractured rib in the altercation. There was a severe bruise but no fracture, the physician reported.
Mr. Keeney attacked Judge Caldwell and threatened to kill him, Judge Caldwell charges.
The committee named by J. Garvey Davis president of the Campbell County Bar Association has started its investigation of the alleged assault.
Newport Attorney Being Held Under $1000 Bond
Clarke Keeney, 32, Newport attorney was under $1000 bond Tuesday awaiting hearing of an assault and battery charge against him in Campbell County Court. The charge was filed by Judge A. M. Caldwell of Campbell Circuit Court as the result of an attack on him Saturday at the judge's home, 432 Ward avenue, Bellevue.
Meanwhile a committee appointed by the Campbell County Bar Association has begun its investigation of the alleged attack and to expected to complete its report late this week.
Keeney was arrested late Monday at the home of his father, Dr P. G. Keeney, Bellevue physician, by Campbell county patrolmen. The alleged assault occurred after Keeney had lost a damage suit in court.
Lawyer Under Arrest For Assaulting Judge; Victim Is Ill At Home
Clarke Keeney, attorney, who is accused of having assaulted Judge A. M. Caldwell of Campbell Circuit Court, Newport, Ky., in the jurist's home, 452 Ward Avenue, Bellevue, early Saturday, was arrested on an assault and battery warrant sworn to by Judge Caldwell yesterday.
Campbell County Police Chief Len Plummer and Patrolman Oscar Wells, arrested Keeney at the home of his father, Dr. P. G. Keeney, 107 Bonnie Leslie Avenue, South Bellevue. Keeney, who is 32 years old, gave his address as 25 East Third Street, Newport.
“The entire thing is unfortunate. I just lost my head,” Keeney told Chief Plummer at the time of his arrest.
Injuries that Judge Caldwell received in the encounter with Keeney prevented him from appearing in court yesterday. Swearing of a petit jury for the hearing of cases this week was postponed until tomorrow.
Physicians attending Judge Caldwell said yesterday that in addition to a bruised face he received a probable rib fracture. Because of the jurist's age, special precautions are being taken to prevent pneumonia.
In reporting the incident Saturday, Judge Caldwell said Keeney came to his home at 2 o'clock Saturday morning and awakened him by incessant ringing of the doorbell. When the Judge answered the door call, Keeney asked to use the telephone.
After making a call, Keeney suddenly turned upon Judge Caldwell and accused him of being responsible for the loss of a damage suit heard in Circuit Court Friday.
Despite the Judge's explanation that equal opportunity was given to both sides in the hearing, Keeney turned upon the Judge abruptly and struck him on the chin, it was said. Another blow was reported to have knocked Judge Caldwell over a chair. The Judge then fled to a rear yard. A neighbor called Bellevue Police. Keeney was gone when they arrived.
The Campbell County Bar Association is investigating the attack. It is expected to make recommendations the latter part of this week.
Keeney's bond was set at $1,000.
June 28 1938
Judge Is Appointed For Lunacy Hearing Of Bellevue Attorney
Chief Justice James W. Stites of the Kentucky Court of Appeals announced yesterday the appointment of Judge W. H. Fulton, Bardstown, as Special Judge to sit in the lunacy hearing against Clarke E. Keeney, Bellevue attorney, whose hearing is scheduled for today.
The lunacy warrant against the attorney, who is in Alexandria County Jail, was sworn to by his father, Dr. P. G. Keeney.
Keeney was committed to jail 10 days ago after he was alleged to have rammed deliberately a Newport police cruiser with his automobile.
A recent grand jury indicted Keeney on an assault charge in connection with an attack upon Judge A. M. Caldwell.
Last week Keeney suddenly became violent in the jail. Since then he has been in solitary confinement.
June 29 1938
Young Attorney Adjudged of Unsound Mind Following Doctor's Testimony
Adjudged insane and termed “extremely dangerous,” Clarke E. Keeney, Newport attorney, today was confined in the Lakeland Asylum for the Insane.
The 34-year-old attorney whose escapades of violence included an attack upon Circuit Judge A. M. Caldwell and the wrecking of a police cruiser was not brought into court late yesterday when his lunacy inquest was called by Special Judge Will H. Fulton of Bardstown.
Immediately after a Jury adjudged him of unsound mind, Keeney was taken to Lakeland by Deputies Don Hindersman and Louis Ewing.
Several months ago Keeney went to Judge Caldwell's home and beat the jurist severely because he had lost a civil action in Judge Coldwell's court. Two weeks ago two Newport patrolmen had taken Mr. Keeney's wife from the attorneys auto after she said her husband had abused her.
When the police cruiser was taking Mrs. Keeney to a Bellevue home, Mr. Keeney purposely drove his auto into the rear of the police car. Committed to the Alexandria Jail for this offense, Mr. Keeney became violent and had to be placed in solitary confinement.
Three physicians Dr. C. E. Shinkle and Dr. Charles Kiely of Cincinnati and Dr. H. C. White, Kenton county health officer testified the attorney was of unsound mind and “extremely dangerous.”
The lunacy charge was preferred against the lawyer by his father, Dr. P. G. Keeney of Bellevue.
Attorney Adjudged Insane; Clarke E. Keeney Removed To Central State Hospital
Clarke E. Keeney, 34 years old, Newport and Bellevue attorney, was adjudged insane yesterday by a jury in Campbell Circuit Court, Newport. Special Judge William H. Fulton, Bardstown, Ky., presided at the hearing.
Lunacy charges were filed against Keeney by his father, Dr. P. G. Keeney, Bellevue physician. He was taken to Central State Hospital, Lakeland, immediately after the trial.
Keeney recently attacked Judge A. M. Caldwell, Campbell Circuit Court, after a case in which Keeney was an attorney had been decided against him. He also drove his automobile into a Newport police cruiser.
Dr. C. E. Shinkle, Cincinnati alienist, who examined Keeney at Alexandria Jail, said the attorney was suffering with a form of lunacy known as “schizophrenia.”
Dr. Charles Kiely, another Cincinnati alienist, testified that Keeney was of unsound mind, uncertain, impulsive, and dangerous. He formed his opinion from a history of the case and from observations of Keeney in Newport Jail yesterday.
Another physician, Dr. Henry Clay White, Kenton County Health officer, also examined Keeney in Newport Jail. He declared the young man was of unsound mind and should be confined in an institution.
Charles Kemper, Campbell County jailer, told the jury that Keeney appeared to be alright at times, while at other times he became unruly and had to be placed in solitary confinement, which, one time necessitated the calling of Campbell County police to aid in locking him in a cell.
Newport Patrolmen Joseph Walters and Ollie Powers testified to being called by Mrs. Keeney the night of June 17 to take her from her husband's automobile, and later of Keeney's action in ramming his automobile against the rear of the police car in Bellevue, which led to his confinement in County Jail.
A crowd filled the courtroom yesterday afternoon expecting to see the defendant, Keeney remained in Newport Jail.
March 12, 1938, Judge Caldwell Is Assaulted By Angered Lawyer
March 15, 1938, Lawyer Under Arrest For Assaulting Judge; Victim Is Ill at Home
March 16, 1938, Attorney To Be Tried
March 16, 1938, Attorney In Court Tomorrow
March 18, 1938, Keeney Case Goes to Jury For Inquiry
March 19, 1938, Bar Committee May Report on Attack Monday
March 19, 1938, Examination Waived by Attorney
March 21, 1938, Keeney Will Face Charges By Bar Group
April 09, 1938, Formal Charge Against Keeney
June 15, 1938, Attorney Indicted
June 23, 1938, Attorney Has Fit of Violence
June 24, 1938, Clarke Keeney In Solitary; Lunacy Trial Is Scheduled
June 28, 1938, Judge Is Appointed For Lunacy Hearing of Bellevue Attorney
June 29, 1938, Attorney Who Attacked Judge Is Held Insane
June 29, 1938, Attorney Is Adjudged Insane by Campbell County Judge-C. E. Keeney Removed to Sanitorium.
July 18 1938
An automobile driven by Dr. P. G. Keeney, 107 Bonnie Leslie Avenue, Bellevue, and a South Bellevue bus operated by Charles McCarthy, 1304 Greenup Street, Covington, collided on Taylor Avenue, Bellevue, Saturday. Dr. Keeney and occupants of the bus escaped injury. Patrolmen Edward Hausfeld and Paul Raver cited Dr. Keeney and McCarthy on charges of reckless driving. They will be arraigned in Bellevue Police Court, tomorrow night.