December 16 1939
Local Chess Club Meets Indiana Team
Intercity Match Set for Sunday
An intercity championship chess match will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Cincinnati Chess Club 1202 Mercantile Library Building.
A group of Cincinnati's experts will take on experts from Indianapolis. Roger B. Baxter attorney and Ohio champion is captain of the Cincinnati team. The Indianapolis contingent is headed by Daniel B. Luten, president of the Central Indiana Chess Association.
Cincinnati's team will consist of Mr. Baxter, southern Ohio champion; Karl Stover, Cincinnati champion; Dr P. G. Keeney, former Ohio champion; Dr. H. H. Slutz, Jesse Geil, R. A. Holden Jr., C. H. Blase, Benjamin Aleck, Condit J. Brown, Peter J. Herbon, George Weidner, Lloyd M. Lowy, H. F. Kirkendall, Sheldon Myers, A. W. Roetken and Alfred M. Rukendunst.