January 31 1960
Sunday Gazette-Mail, Charleston, West Virginia, Sunday, January 31, 1960.
Last month Chess Life published a notice of the death of Dr. Palmer G. Keeney who was first problem editor of that publication. Dr. Keeney will be remembered by older members of the local chess fraternity as the editor of a chess column in the Sunday Cincinnati Enquirer—it may not have been the best chess column in the country but it certainly was the biggest. But, it was a good chess column and undoubtedly stimulated interest in the royal game throughout the tri-state region. Local players (the older ones that is) will remember Dr. Keeney as top board man on the Cincinnati chess team the two times Charleston played them (at Portsmouth, Ohio). Charleston managed to break even in the series but it was not Dr. Keeney's fault. He won both of his games, from John Hurt one time and from V. C. Klug the following year.