April 23 1941
Title to this ten-room brick residence at 324 Overton Street, Newport, has been taken by Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Keeney from Mrs. Emma Wieskettle. W. T. Knoebber of C. A. Silva, Inc., Newport, made the sale.
April 27 1941
Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Keeney have purchased the new five-room colonial residence at 613 Taylor Avenue, Bellevue, from R. E. Diemar, builder. William T. Knoebber of Chester A. Silva, Inc., made the sale.
July 11 1941
Parked Auto Pushed Into Restricted Area, Doctor Tells Court
A charge of parking an automobile in a restricted area against Dr. P. G. Keeney, 618 Taylor Avenue, Bellevue, was placed on the open docket yesterday by Judge Alfred G. Maybury of Newport Police Court.
Dr. Keeney's car was tagged at Seventh and Monmouth Street when it was found in a prohibited area by Patrolman Morris Hodesh. Dr. Keeney told the court that his car evidently was pushed into the area, as it had been parked properly.