January 18 1912
March 1912
March 1912
March 17 1912
April 13 1912
June 25 1912
June 26 1912
June 27 1912
June 28 1912
June 29 1912
July 02 1912
July 03 1912
July 04 1912
July 05 1912
July 06 1912
August 19 1912
August 22 1912
August 23 1912
August 27 1912
August 28 1912
August 29 1912
August 31 1912
September 01 1912
September 03 1912
September 07 1912
September 13 1912
September 26 1912
October 18 1912
The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Friday, October 18, 1912
The full scores of the Russian tournament at Wilna, wherein Rubenstein surprised the world by making his fourth successive victory within the year, have come to hand, and show the following standing of competitors:
Rubenstein, won 12, lost 5;
Bernstein, won 11½, lost 6½
Lewitsky, won 11, lost 7;
Nimzowitsch, won 10½, lost 7½;
Flamberg, won 9, lost 9;
Alechine, won 8½, lost 9½;
Loewenfisch, won 8½, lost 9½;
Von Freymann, won 8, lost 10;
Alapin, won 6, lost 12;
Salwe, won 5, lost 13.
The double match of Capablanca against Jaffe and Chajes commences today in New York, having been postponed on account of the delay of the Cuban in Havana, on some matters pertaining to the coming American chess congress. Capablanca is to play the challengers on alternate days until each has contested three games.
December 17 1912
December 22 1912