January 17 1930
Fred Dewhirst Yates vs Alexander Alekhine
San Remo (1930), San Remo ITA, rd 2, Jan-17
Spanish Game: Morphy Defense. Modern Steinitz Defense (C71) 0-1
January 20 1930
The Daily Telegraph, London, Greater London, England, Monday, January 20, 1930
From Our Chess Correspondent.
SAN REMO, Sunday.
The third round of the International Chess Tournament produced various interesting encounters between the masters among which the game of Alekhine vs Nimzowitsch was of special interest owing to several factors the principle being that Nimzowitsch was a candidate for the world's championship to the extent of issuing a challenge to Alekhine last year.
Another noteworthy point at issue in this encounter was the diversity of style between the two players — Alekhine being all for attack and Nimzowitsch priding himself on having discovered a superior system of defence. He resorted to the French defence against which Alekhine, as first player, proceeded with his usual aggressiveness. Nimzowitsch found that his system failed as Alekhine overthrew his opponent in the comparatively short number of thirty moves.
Another encounter from which an interesting result might have been expected was the game between Bogoljubov and Rubinstein. The victor of the Great Moscow Tournament has not been playing with the best of luck lately and Rubinstein was at all times a formidable opponent. The queens game between these two was adjourned after sixty-eight moves.
Yates as second player to Tartakower in a queens opening fought hard in a game in which there was fine combinative play on both sides Yates conducting his game with his customary tenacity had to confess defeat in fifty-three moves.
The only other win was scored by Ahues in a short Ruy Lopez against Montecelli which the latter lost in nineteen moves owing to unsound tactics.
The game Spielmann v. Vidmar, was a draw after twenty moves Maroczy vs Kmoch in a four knights game was a draw after twenty-two moves. The games Romi vs Grau and Araiza vs Colle were also draws.
The results of three pending games were as follows:
Romi vs. Colle from the first round resulted in a win for Romi Yates vs. Alekhine from the second round was won by the latter in sixty-eight moves and Vidmar v Maroczy was drawn.
Up to the present Alekhine has won all his three games.
February 05 1930
Napa Journal, Napa, California, Wednesday, February 05, 1930
Frenchman Wins Chess Honors
San Remo, Italy, Feb. 4 (UP)—Dr. Alexander Alekhine of Paris, world's chess champion, won the International Chess Masters' tournament at the Municiple Casino today with 14 victories out of a total of 15 matches. Sixteen players competed.
June 17 1930
Chess Champion Accepts Defi
Paris, June 17. After an exchange of letters, with Jose R. Capablanca, challenger, Dr. Alexander Alekhine, world's chess champion, has agreed to accept February 15, 1931, as the last date for a match for the championship with the Cuban master. Capablanca and Alekhine have been in negotiation with regard to a match for some time, but have not as yet come to an agreement as to details.
The champion contends that he did not receive a Challenge to play in Cuba, and it now seems probable that a match will be organized early next Winter in the United States, as Alekhine maintains that under London rules he is justified in refusing to play in Cuba since he is a native of a northern country and feels that the southern climate puts him at a disadvantage for the intellectual effort required by great match. Both Capablanca and Alekhine will be in Paris presently, and chess players here hope to bring about a meeting to settle the details for a match. Alekhine has suggested Leonard Tauber, president of the French Chess Federation, as treasurer for the match, and as referee. Dr. A. Rueb, president of the International Federation.