January 01 1937
The Daily Telegraph, London, Greater London, England, Friday, January 01, 1937
Chess Congress At Hastings
Fine's Fourth Victory
By beating Sir George Thomas in yesterday's round of the tournament Reuben Fine retains his position at the head of score list with four clear wins to his credit. The pairing and the openings adopted were as follows:
Koltanowski v. Miss Menchik (Queen's Pawn), Fine v. Sir George Thomas (Queen's Pawn), Alekhine v. Winter (Caro-Kahn Defence), Vidmar v. Eliskases (Queen's Pawn), Tyler v. Feigen (Sicilian Defence).
Sir George Thomas adopted a rather poor defence against the American master and had a cramped position almost from the start. Fine won without much difficulty on the 33rd move.
In the game between Alekhine and Winter the British master was in somewhat similar position held on the defensive for many moves. An attempt to break out by a sacrifice was neatly disposed of and Alekhine won on the 31st move.
The game between Vidmar and Eliskases came down early to an equal ending with rooks and pawns and was drawn after four moves.
Koltanowski and Miss Menchik drew in 43 moves after a long ending with Bishops and equal pawns. The game between Tylor and Feigin was adjourned.
The remarkable ending between Feigin and Alekhine from the first round was finished to-day, Alekhine winning on the 99th move.
Alekhine has also won after 52 moves his adjourned game with Vidmar from the second round. The adjourned game from the third round between Sir George Thomas and Tylor was won by Tylor by skillful work in an ending with Queens and pawns, Sir George resigning on the 43rd move. Sir George resigning on the 43rd move.
The scores after ten rounds stand:
MASTERS TOURNAMENT.—Fine 4; Alekhine 3½; Tylor 2: Sir George Thomas, Vidmar, Eliskases, Winter and Feigin 1½; Koltanowski and Miss Menchik 1.
Tylor and Feigin have an adjourned in hand.
PREMIER RESERVES.—Section 1: De Groot 3½; Prins and Winter 3; Ritson, Morry 2½. Section 2: Van Seters and Landau 3½; Michel and Bowen 2½.
December 1937
Regaining the title of World Chess Champion, Netherlands, which took place from October to December 1937, with Alexander Alekhine and his wife, Grace, sharing a congratulatory kiss. Alekhine became a Grand Master at age 22, and in 1927 defeated Jose Capablanca (Cuba), but in 1935 lost the title to Max Euwe and regained in in 1937. Original b/w photographer, unknown.