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June 28 1908
Guioco Piano Opening 28 Jun 1908, Sun The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
The following game was played in the recent match, Franklin vs Manhattan, on May 30. Mlotkowski has made a special study of the Guioco Piano Opening, with its many ramifications, including the Max Lange attack and also the Evans Gambit. Black evidently was aware that his opponent was well posted and relied upon the Hungarian Defense, which leads to a class of positions similar to Philidor's Defense. A perfectly sound line of play, but giving Black a cramped and uninteresting game. Black unnecessarily allowed. White to win a Pawn early in the opening, but after that played with considerable skill, and while White had certainly the advantage when the game was concluded, yet we fully unite with J. Capablanca's decision that it could only be adjudicated as drawn.
Stasch Mlotkowski (white) vs. Walter J. Rosenstein (black)
Italian Game

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. N-KB3 N-QB3
3. B-QB4 P-Q3
4. P-B3 B-N5
5. P-Q3 B-K2
6. Q-N3 N-R4
7. BxPch K-B
8. Q-R4 KxB
9. QxN BxN
10. PxB N-B3
11. Q-N5 Q-QB
12. Q-N3ch K-B
13. B-K3 P-QR4
14. N-Q2 P-R5
15. Q-B2 P-QN4
16. N-B K-B2
17. N-N3 P-N3
18. O-O Q-R6
19. Q-K2 P-R4
20. KR-Q P-R5
21. N-B P-N4
22. N-Q2 N-R4
23. Q-B QxQch
24. KxQ N-B5
25. BxN NPxB
26. K-K2 P-KR6
27. R-KN P-B4
28. N-N P-N5
29. PxP PxP
30. N-Q2 QR-QB
31. N-B4 R-B3
32. R-N4 B-B3
33. QR-KN R-Q
34. R-N6 R-R
35. K-Q2 R-QR3
36. K-B2 R-B3
37. K-N R-R3
38. R(N6)-N4 R-B3
39. R-QB K-K3
40. R-N6 K-B2
1/2-1/2 |
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 d6
4. c3 Bg4
5. d3 Be7
6. Qb3 Na5
7. Bxf7+ Kf8
8. Qa4 Kxf7
9. Qxa5 Bxf3
10. gxf3 Nf6
11. Qb5 Qc8
12. Qb3+ Kf8
13. Be3 a5
14. Nd2 a4
15. Qc2 b5
16. Nf1 Kf7
17. Ng3 g6
18. 0-0 Qh3
19. Qe2 h5
20. Rfd1 h4
21. Nf1 g5
22. Nd2 Nh5
23. Qf1 Qxf1+
24. Kxf1 Nf4
25. Bxf4 gxf4
26. Ke2 h3
27. Rg1 c5
28. Nb1 b4
29. cxb4 cxb4
30. Nd2 Rc8
31. Nc4 Rc6
32. Rg4 Bf6
33. Rg1 Rd8
34. Rg6 Rh8
35. Kd2 Rca6
36. Kc2 Rc6
37. Kb1 Ra6
38. R6g4 Rc6
39. Rc1 Ke6
40. Rg6 Kf7
1/2-1/2 |