December 02 1900
A Local Gem
It must not be thought that because there are so many tourneys in progress that off-hand chess is suffering. In fact it is in the latter kind of chess that brilliancy is mostly developed, the latest quotable instance of which being doubly remarkable: first, from its intrinsic excellence, and secondly, from the fact that it was contributed by the loser of the partie!
5. PxP QN-R4
The old form is NxP, to which white replies with NxBP, to which white replies with NxBP. In fact, Steinitz has a variation to give black the better game, but it is too elaborate for ordinary use.
10. N-K5 B-Q3
The usual course is for black to move Q-Q5, to which the first player answers with P-KB4. Against the text move, which should answer with P-Q4.
15. N-B3 P-K6
White's little lapse in getting his pieces out has been well taken advantage of and now the adroit finishing touches.
20. BxB BxNP
Another pretty concluding touch—
21. PxB RxPch
22. K-B2 Q-R5
Though short in material, black's position is winning.
31. K-N2 RxB wins.
J. Howard Longacre (white) vs. Stasch Mlotkowski (black)
Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Polerio Defense, Suhle Defense