April 02 1934
April 02, 1934. Philadelphia Chess Expert Wins Over 28 Here. At the same time the fourth round of the second annual South Jersey Chess Championship Tournament was played. … S. Mlotkowski, Camden, defeated Dr. R. Fox, Morrisville, Pa.; … A feature of the tournament was the playing of Robert Deacon, of Merchantville. In the first round he drew with E. W. Strang, of the Camden City Club, in an adjudicated game, won from A. Dortman, Camden, in the second round, and in the third round was awarded a win on adjudication over S. Mlotkowski, chess analyst.
April 02, 1934. Philadelphia Chess Expert Wins Over 28 Here. S. Mlotkowski, Camden, defeated Dr. R. Fox, Morrisville, Pa.
April 15 1934
William A. Ruth, a former Pennsylvania State champion, is leading in the South Jersey championship with a score of 5-0. H. Bauder and W. Britton have scores of 4-0. J. DuBois and H. Deacon follow with 3½ while Stasch Mlotkowski, Fischer and Cook are each a full point down.
April 27 1934
April 27, 1934. Outstanding Chess Players Vie Tonight. The South Jersey team will be captained by W. A. Ruth of Collingswood, former champion of Ohio, several times champion of Pennsylvania, and international cable match player. Other members of the team will be S. Mlotkowski, famous analyst and international player and former Pacific Coast champion;…
May 27 1934
S. Mlotkowski of Camden, N. J. a player who rates very highly in United States met his waterloo in the second round of the South Jersey championship to R. Deacon. The game is of some importance because the “Evans Gambit,” was used by the Camden expert. Mlotkowski has contributed to the chess playing world a great deal of analysis on this tricky opening that made his loss to Mr. Deacon all the more unexpected.
(a) Adjudicated a win for black by Messrs. J. Levin, S. T. Sharp and B. F. Winkelman.
Stasch Mlotkowski (white) vs. Robert Deacon (black)
Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Stone-Ware Variation
April 17 1934
Our game, this week is taken from the records of the South Jersey Championship. Played in 1934. Stasch Mlotkowski was the only player ever to win the Pennsylvania Championship three times in succession. The notes are by the late Frank J. Marshall, U.S. Champion. [April 19, 1953.]
In the following game United States champion, Frank J. Marshall awarded the brilliancy prize to S. Mlotkowski for his win over A. F. Fischer in the recent championship tournament of the Camden City Chess Club. Mr. Marshall also awarded to W. A. Ruth the best played game prize for his win over E. S. Maguire. The notes are by the American title holder.
(a) Alekhine generally plays B-N5.
(b) The correct move here is castles, the text is bad.
(c) At once, P-Q4 is better. PxP, B-N5 follows.
(d) Two slow, at once P-QR3.
(e) Here Q-K2 would be more developing and temporarily preventing P-Q4.
(f) Two many Knight moves. Here P-Q4, if then, P-K5. N-K5, Q-K2, P-KB4, PxPe.p., NxP etc.
(g) This move does not help. RxN was the last retort. PxR, N-N4 with ideas of attack.
(h) A fine move if BxP, Q-K3 followed by N-R4.
(i) Fatal. Here B-K3 was imperative, after the text Black takes full advantage and wins quickly.
A. F. Fischer (white) vs. Stasch Mlotkowski (black)
Four Knights Game: Double Spanish