May 03 1925
The telegraphic match played February 22 between San Francisco and Los Angeles was won by the San Francisco players, with a score of 6½ to 5½, W. A. Ruth, formerly of Philadelphia, played on the Los Angeles team, losing to A. J. Fink, while S. Mlotkowski, also a well-known Philadelphian, won from W. R. Lovegrove.
June 01 1925
Stasch Mlotkowski defeated E. F. Shrader in the second game of their match at the Commercial Chess Club yesterday for the chess championship of the State, in a Vienna opening after fifty-seven moves. The score now stands: Mlotkowski, 2; Schrader, 0.
June 09 1925
Stasch Mlotkowski, classy local chess player, won the third game of his match with E. F. Schrader for the chess championship of California Sunday afternoon in sixty-four moves. The opening was a “Philidor's Defense.” Score stands now, Mlotkowski, 3; Schrader, 0.
August 02 1925
Stasch Mlotkowski, formerly a resident of this city, has, again captured the chess championship of Los Angeles. The California State championship tournament is scheduled to start August 17.
August 17 1925
The fourth California State chess championship tournament began at the Los Angeles Athletic Club yesterday with the following entries: H. E. Elliott, A. J. Fink. M. I. Freed, E. W. Gruer, D. G. Holt, S. Mlotkowski. G. S. G. Patterson, E. F. Schrader and W. M. Whipple. The first round results.
August 18 1925
August 18, 1925. Yesterday's play in the State Chess championship now in progress at the Los Angeles Athletic Club resulted as follows: Mlotkowski vs. Fink drawn; Freed vs. Shrader, drawn; Gruer vs. Whipple, drawn; Elliott defeated Patterson. Holt a bye. The hardest fought game of the day was between Gruer and Whipple, the former seeming to have a win in the midgame, but Whipple fought tenaciously and finally secured a draw after 76 moves.
August 24 1925
Mlotkowski Retains Chess Title Of State
By the Associated Press
LOS ANGELES, Aug 23—The state chess championship was retained by Mlotkowski today when he defeated E. W. Gruer of Oakland in the finals of the tournament closing at Los Angeles Athletic club. A. J. Fink of San Francisco dropped out of the running when he lost to G. S. Ghatterson of Los Angeles. In another match E. P. Elliott of Fullerton disposed of M. I. Freed, San Diego.
Gruer was elected president of the State Chess association at a business meeting today and Fink was chosen vice president.
October 04 1925
October 04, 1925. Gruer-Mlotkowski analysis.
Elmer Gruer vs Stasch Mlotkowski
California State Championship (1925), Los Angeles, CA USA
Horwitz Defense: General (A40) 0-1