April 30 1905
Lost One, Drew Three, Won Rest Out of Nineteen Games
Local chess devotees crowded the rooms of the Mercantile Library Chess Association, Tenth above Chestnut street, yesterday afternoon, to witness an exhibition of simultaneous chess playing by Dr. Emanuel Lasker, chess champion of the world. The exhibition began at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. At 6 a recess was taken until 8, when play was resumed, continuing until half past 10. Nineteen games were played in all. Lasker lost one and three were drawn.
The victor in the game lost by the master was H. T. Sharp. Lasker used the Kieseritzky-Allgaier gambit. On the eighth move Lasker did not choose to play the Rice gambit. The victory or Mr. Sharp was apparently hastened by an injudicious move on Lasker's part toward the close of the game.
The drawn games were with President Harris J. Chilton, of the Mercantile Library Chess Association, who played a brilliant game, ending in stalemate-Lewis A. Hopper and Professor George H. Stout, winner of the Bennett-Chilton cup some years ago. The other contestants were: Charles A. Baumann, P. S. Brown, C. F. Dittmar, H. A. Groots, A. Goldberg, William Hughes, C. S. Mirick, W. Ruth, Rev. Oscar Michael (game finished by F. C. Pullman), G. E. Wilcox, Stasch Mlotkowski, T. Midgley, H. N. Albert, H. B. Nason, G. E. Wilcox.