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September 09 1917
Game No. 61 09 Sep 1917, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)
CHESS. Game No. 61—Evans Gambit Declined.
An off-hand game played at the club-rooms last winter between N. W. Banks and Stasch Mlotkowski. Contributed, with notes, by Mr. Mlotkowski.
(a) Held superior to N-R4.
(b) Or, Q-B3, but White has the edge in either case.
(c) An error. White could have replied BxN, RxB, QxP(ch) at once, but is in no hurry to take the Pawn, thinking it will stay.
(d) Better PxP.
(e) The advance of their Pawn is decisive.
Stasch Mlotkowski (white) vs. Newell William Banks (black)

Unresolved Chess Game: Can you solve it?
1. P-K4 P-K4
2. KN-B3 QN-B3
3. B-B4 B-B4
4. P-QN4 B-N3
5. P-QN5 N-Q5
6. NxN BxN
7. P-QB3 B-N3
8. P-Q4 Q-N4
9. O-O P-Q3
10. P-QR4 P-QB3
11. P-R5 B-B2
12. P-KB4 P-KB3
13. P-KB5 P-KR4
14. N-Q2 B-Q2
15. BxN RxB
16. QxPch Q-KB2
17. QxQ KxQ
18. PxBP NPxP
19. N-KB3 QR-N1
20. B-Q2 R-N4
21. P-QB4 R-N6
22. KR-QN1 KR-QN1
23. RxR RxR
24. PxP QPxP
25. K-B2 P-B4
26. B-K3 B-Q3
27. R-Q1 K-K2
28. R-QR1 B-B3
29. N-Q2 R-N7
30. K-B3 K-Q2
31. P-N4 P-B3
32. P-R4 R-N5
33. P-N5 R-R5
34. PxP PxP
35. R-KN1 RxRP
36. P-R5 B-KB1
37. P-R6 BxP
38. BxB R-R6ch
39. B-K3 B-R5
40. R-N7ch K-K1
41. R-QB7 B-Q8ch
42. K-B2 P-R4
43. BxP R-QB6
44. R-K7ch K-Q1
45. R-QR7 P-R5
46. B-K7ch Resigns |
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Bc5
4. b4 Bb6
5. b5 Nd4
6. Nxd4 Bxd4
7. c3 Bb6
8. d4 |